Grammar lesson: International Women's Day – using inclusive language

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: International Women's Day – using inclusive language.


5 March 2024

What is the event about?

In this live lesson there will be an introduction to the topic of International Women's Day and using inclusive language. Then, you can listen to a short grammar explanation and practise using the grammar yourself.


Average: 4.4 (15 votes)

Submitted by User_1 on Wed, 06/03/2024 - 10:00


Hello Jo,
Thanks for your lesson, really helpful.
Please, could you read my task and tell me how you find it?

Thank you!


Even if about the female world, over the last 50 years, many realities have changed, 
there are still differences in power and roles between men and women.
Despite gender disparities in other areas, in many countries equality has been achieved 
in terms of studies and education.

As for jobs, pay and role family roles, for sure, there has been progress, 
but the work to be done is still very long and hard.

Nowadays, when it comes to gender equality, some countries are ahead of others,
but many barriers and prejudices persist.

Although Italy, as part of Europe, is making  improvements, the process is taking a long time.

In terms of political matter as well, although women hold many political positions, 
there is still a strong resistance to this direction.

Hi User_1,
I'm happy to read that the lesson was helpful for you.
Your task is great. I think you've used really good vocabulary to talk about this issue.
What you've written reflects many of the comments that we recieved duing the lesson - basically, things have changed to varying degrees in different countries, but in general there is still work to do.
Wishing you a very happy International Women's Day!
Best wishes,
Jo (LearnEnglish team)

Profile picture for user LaraB

Submitted by LaraB on Wed, 21/02/2024 - 20:05


I will be there! See you, and grettings!