Personal tutoring

Learn in one-to-one sessions with a tutor of your choice, focused on a personal learning plan.

Personal tutoring

Get one-to-one English tutoring from experienced instructors. Tailor your lessons to your needs and advance your English language skills with personalised support.

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EnglishScore Tutors

The British Council's personal online tutoring service allows you to choose your tutor and achieve your goals.


average tutor * rating
(based on 6,906 reviews)


tutors suitable for every goal


students learning English with us

Improve your English with a one-to-one tutor

Book private online sessions with a tutor of your choice and focus on the areas important to you. Work together on a learning plan based on your level to help you reach your goal. Sessions are fun, friendly and designed to get you speaking confidently.

This is recommended for participants with:

A1 Elementary to C1 Advanced English levels

Personal tutor
Why choose a personal online tutor?

Book private online sessions with a tutor of your choice

Focus on the areas important to you

Learning plan based on your level to help you reach your goal

30-minute one-to-one online English tuition with British Council approved tutors

Highly qualified tutors are available 24/7, including weekends and holidays

Get a trial session for $1 and start learning with a personal tutor today

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EnglishScore Tutors

Sign up

You can sign up for free to explore the platform or start with our $1 introductory package. Then select from our budget-friendly packages to keep improving your English.

Choose a tutor

Whether you're preparing for an exam or want to improve a specific skill, EnglishScore Tutors has a certified teacher to help you achieve your goal.

Book a time and learn

Attend a 30-minute one-to-one session with your chosen tutor, discuss your goals and plan your learning.

Practice and feedback

Receive detailed constructive feedback and practice materials from your tutors, or use our platform and apps to revise with free-to-use practice content.

Speak confidently

You will quickly gain confidence in your English and improve your vocabulary, listening and speaking.

Our students love us because ...

Ruxandra (EnglishScore Tutors student)

I am very happy that I found this platform, after multiple failed attempts on other websites, I had the chance to find a great English teacher – Michelle. Every lesson is a great experience, Michelle always finds an interesting way to combine news from any domain, vocabulary and grammar. Even a simple conversation turns into an excellent English lesson for me. I look forward to the following lessons! Thanks you, Michelle!

Our students love us because ...

Tivy (EnglishScore Tutors student)

I'm enjoying my sessions and the are very useful for me because i can practice my English with a great tutor. Thanks to Christine I'm getting used to speaking more and also my listening skills are improving. Christine is very accurate and very good at teaching. Always precise, punctual and careful.

Our students love us because ...

Patricia (EnglishScore Tutors student)

EnglishScore is great as tutors are well prepared, classes are engaging, and lessons can be scheduled according to ones own timetable.

A computer with a webcam
All you need is a computer with Google Chrome, a webcam, a microphone and an internet connection.
Personalised learning plan
Get access to a fully personalised learning plan, including grammar and speaking topics.

Get a trial session for $1 and start learning with a personal tutor today

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EnglishScore Tutors