Community events

Community events

The British Council organises events on social media where you can ask our expert educators questions. If you have any questions about our courses or about learning English in general, you're welcome to join our live events on Facebook and YouTube. They're free and you can join as many as you want. 

What are community events?

Our community events are an opportunity to listen to teachers and experts from the British Council answering questions from learners like you. The events take place on Facebook and on YouTube and each one lasts about 30 minutes.

How do I join in?

You can find a list of events on this page. Look at the event details and if the time is suitable for you, just follow the event meeting link. If you want to ask questions, you need a Facebook or YouTube account. If you don't or can't use Facebook or YouTube, you can watch a recording of the events – see the event details page for a link to the recording.

What happens in a live event?

Our team of educators lead a discussion about the topic and then answer questions from the viewing audience. People all over the world join in and ask questions! 

Join our live event to support our learners studying for exams: writing complex sentences.

Join our live event to support our learners studying grammar: talking about the future in a positive way.

Join our live event to support our learners studying grammar: the passive voice.

Join our live event to support our learners: learning English with Shakespeare.

Join our live event to support our learners studying grammar: idioms from other countries.

Join our live event where we talk about Chat GPT and AI and use future forms to support our learners studying grammar.

Join our live event to support our learners studying grammar: talking about the weather and using weather idioms.

Join our live event and ask our expert educator your questions about the English language and learning English.

Join our live event to support our learners studying grammar: reported speech – patterns with reporting verbs.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: past simple v present perfect.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying vocabulary: adjectives with -ed and -ing.

Watch a recording our live event to support our learners studying for exams: writing essay – what makes a good paragraph.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: talking about past habits and memories.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying for exams: writing essay paragraphs – introductions.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: adjective and adverb collocations.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying vocabulary: phrasal verbs, expressions and idioms about love.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying vocabulary: phrasal verbs and idioms to talk about money.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying for exams: essay planning – organisation and structure.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying vocabulary: phrasal verbs for learning a language.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners writing essays.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners: jokes and humour – language for telling jokes.

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: New Year's resolutions and plans for 2025 – future forms.

Watch a recording of our live Christmas quiz for lots of festive language fun!

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: Articles.

Watch a recording of our live event about Thanksgiving and Black Friday traditions.