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Join our live event for learners: Following your dreams – language for dreams and ambitions.

Community events
Average: 4.4 (5 votes)

Join our live event and ask our expert educator your questions about the English language and learning English.

Community events
Average: 4.1 (111 votes)

Join our live event to support our learners: Feeling good – phrasal verbs and idioms for fitness and health.

Community events
Average: 5 (3 votes)

What type of bread do you eat, and how do you eat it? In this Learning hub topic, we’re talking about one of the world’s oldest foods – bread!

Average: 5 (2 votes)

The film The Last Tourist is about problems with the tourism industry. Watch the trailer to find out more about it.

Video zone
travel and transport
Language level
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 4.1 (23 votes)

World Tourism Day on 27 September is about deciding the tourism we want for the future. That means thinking not just about the economy but also about the impact on people and the planet.

Magazine zone
special days
Language level
C1 Advanced
Average: 4.2 (15 votes)

Watch a recording of our live event for learners studying for the IELTS listening test: Listening for detail.

Community events
Average: 4.3 (28 votes)

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: Mindfulness – verbs of the senses and other useful language.

Community events
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The International Day of Peace is on 21 September. It's a day that aims to reduce violence and to strengthen the ideals of peace around the world.

Magazine zone
special days
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 4.5 (22 votes)

The British Council is celebrating its 90th birthday! Find out more about the British Council, what we do and how we're marking the anniversary.

Magazine zone
festivals and celebrations
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 4 (22 votes)

Watch a recording of our live event for learners studying for reading tests: Skimming and scanning.

Community events
Average: 5 (2 votes)

When you see or hear a new word, what can you do? Here are five ways you can guess its meaning.

Improve your English level
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 4.4 (7 votes)