Summer quiz: Grammar, idioms and more

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar with this fun summer quiz.


9 July 2024

What is the event about?

In this live lesson there will be an introduction to the topic of summer, including grammar and idioms to do with summertime. Then you can participate in a quiz and practise using the language yourself.

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Submitted by guroru65 on Fri, 26/07/2024 - 00:11


Thank for this class

my temperature here in obregon city, mexico is 40 degrees beneath shadow so weather is hot, melting. the best thing in summer is that always that you want you can enoy a cold beer even way better hanging out with your friends, swimming, wake up early, overcast days so on and on but, not verything is good, but bad, sunburns are terrible, you won't be able to work outdoor during the day unless it will be very early or very late, though. you can make workout, play any game, more hours at day, so on and so forth 

Submitted by User_1 on Tue, 09/07/2024 - 15:23


Hi Jo,

Thanks for your grammar lesson with Zina.


What are your summer plan?

We are going on holiday to the beach, by the seaside because I need some sunshine and to stay by the sea.
I have never stargazed through a telescope, but I heard that if you see a shooting star and make a wish,
that wish will come true. 

Will it be true? Jo, what do you think about it?

Despite my love for the sea, I agree with Zina when she said that the mask is uncomfortable on my face.
I would rather swim without it than do snorkelling. Even if I wear a mask, I would  be able to see the deep of the sea clearly.

It is not so much to observe fish, but to be surrounded by the sea itself.


Jo, could you please tell me how it looks like?

Many thanks!


hello there

my summer plan is enhance my swimming technic, to be stronger inside the water and to swim way better every single day while I have fun in the pool.