An email explaining a problem

An email explaining a problem

Learn how to write an email to explain a problem.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

From: Jameela Lee
To: Professor Kim Hart
Subject: Absence from class for two weeks
Attached: doctor's_certificate.pdf

Dear Professor Hart,

I'm writing to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks as I've had an accident and hurt my back. I'm afraid I also need to ask for an extension for next week's essay.

I have medicine for the pain but I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest as much as possible. This makes reading and studying very difficult for me at the moment. I've attached a copy of the doctor's certificate and I hope to be back in class from 12 May.

Until then, my friend is going to record the lectures so I can listen to them at home. I will try to catch up with all the reading too. However, I don't think I can submit the essay next week. Is it possible to have an extension?

Thank you for your understanding.



(ENG101 class)


  1. Start with Dear and the person's title and name.
  2. Say what the problem is first. Then, give more details. Finally, offer a solution or say what you hope will happen next.
  3. Make it short and clear. Just include the most important information.
  4. Say Thank you for your understanding at the end. It shows that you hope the reader will understand your problems.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Worksheet90.12 KB

Language level

Average: 4.2 (23 votes)

Submitted by Dipanita on Wed, 12/02/2025 - 12:42


From: Dipanita Saha 

To: Professor John Doe

Subject: Absence from class for one week 

Attached: doctor's_certificate.pdf


Dear Professor Doe,

I am writing to let you know that I can't attend classes for one week as I have sudden fever with severe headache. 


I have medicine for my illness but I am totally weak. I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor advised me to take a bed rest for one week. This makes attending classes very difficult for me at the moment. I have attached a copy of the doctor's certificate and I hope to be back in class from 15 May.


Until then, my friend is going to record the lectures so I can listen to them at home. I will also try to catch up with all the class tests.


Thank you for your understanding.



Dipanita Saha 

(Elective Math)

Submitted by Amanda Lima on Mon, 14/10/2024 - 23:54


By: Amanda Lima

 to: Professor Anderson. 

Subject: Absence in class. 

Dear teacher, I am writing to let you know that I will not be able to attend your classes for two weeks, because the company I work for sent me on a business trip for two weeks, I asked a friend to record the classes and share the material, and Is it possible that we can do a review on my return? Thank you for your understanding. Amanda Lima.

From: Fernando
To: Professor Anderson A. Silva
Subject: Absence from class

Dear Professor Silva,

I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to attend class this week because I had an accident and my motorcycle broke down. Unfortunately, I also need to request an extension for this week's essay.

I am fine, but I cannot go to school due to this unforeseen event.

My friend is going to record the classes so that I can listen to them at home. I will try to read everything as well. However, I do not think I will be able to submit the essay this week. Is it possible to have an extension?

Thank you for your understanding.



Submitted by Waleed88 on Fri, 27/09/2024 - 09:12


Dear Dr. Jack

I hope you are well

I am writing to let you know that I can't come to the work today. Unfortunately, I have to go to the hospital because my wife is very ill. yesterday, she fell on the stairs and her arm broke.

for the meeting today, I asked my collague to take notes for the crucial points. 

thanks for your understanding.


From: Lucas Lima
To: Professor Anderson A Silva
Subject: Absence from class for one week
Attachment: doctor's_certificate.pdf

Dear Mr. Silva,

I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend classes for ten days as I am undergoing nose surgery. I am afraid I will also need to request an extension for next week's essay.

The doctor advised me to stay in bed and rest as much as possible. This makes reading and studying quite difficult for me at the moment. I have attached a copy of the medical certificate, and I hope to return to class starting from October 18th.

In the meantime, my friend will record the classes so I can listen to them at home. I will try to catch up with the readings as well. However, I don't think I will be able to submit the essay next week. Is it possible to get an extension?

Thank you for your understanding.



Profile picture for user zino

Submitted by zino on Tue, 03/09/2024 - 12:14


I'm a person who doesn't miss a lot, either in the past when I was a student or now as a teacher. In such cases, I must justify my absence.

Submitted by ubaid332 on Wed, 29/05/2024 - 05:52


Have you ever missed several days of work, university, or school? How did you keep up with your work?

I was ill and could not attend my office for some days so I gave a doctor's letter in the office to leave me for 5 days. That was a tough time because I was fragile in those days due to that disease. Fortunately, the office accepted my request and my other colleague continued my work until I recovered.

Submitted by jmajo on Tue, 07/05/2024 - 13:36


In my line of work fortunatelly I’m able to do home office work or remote work, so if some day
I need to stay at home and can’t get to my office to do my regular work, normally I notify that to my
manager and we agree that I’ll be doing some remote work until I can get back to the office.


Thanks for the lesson.

Great site!

Submitted by anhteeny96 on Thu, 22/02/2024 - 03:01


I have missed several days of work because of COVID-19. Until I get a negative test, I can come back to work. I used to ask my colleague about the situation at the workplace, then I tried to catch up.

its really good that you did not give up  as we all know ,how hard it is to deal with covid-19 .take good care of your self and get well soon.i hope to see you soon on work.

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