Finding the library

Finding the library

Listen to a conversation about the university library to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Student: Hi. Excuse me.

Student B: Yes?

Student: Where's the library?

Student B: The library? It's next to the registration office.

Student: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office?

Student B: No problem. See the big building over there?

Student: Yes.

Student B: OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library.

Student: I see. Thanks!

Student: Hello?

Librarian: Hello.

Student: Is this the library?

Librarian: Yes, it is. Quiet, please.

Student: Oh, sorry. Thank you.

Librarian: Can I help you?

Student: Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need?

Librarian: You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today.

Student: OK. Six books.

Librarian: Yes. You have two weeks to read the books. Then you bring them back.

Student: And if I'm late?

Librarian: Every day you are late there is a fee of fifty pence.

Student: OK, 50p a day. Er, anything else?

Librarian: Mobile phones must be switched off in the library. You can bring your laptop, but please use headphones to watch videos or listen to music.

Student: OK, great.

Librarian: And you can't bring food or drink.

Student: No food, no drink. And ...?

Librarian: And please speak quietly! People are working here.

Student: Oh! Oh, OK. Thank you.

Librarian: You're welcome.

Task 1

Task 2


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Profile picture for user ASSAMOI

Submitted by ASSAMOI on Tue, 03/09/2024 - 16:06


Yes. we have several library in my city. I seldom go there because i have enough time but before I went to American library to borrow books. Sometimes, I went there to read and learn English. I was each wednesday.

Profile picture for user Maphan Nin Ra

Submitted by Maphan Nin Ra on Fri, 30/08/2024 - 16:08


There had one tiny local library in my hometown. i often went to there two times in a month. i read some of my favorite books, made notetaking and borrowed some interesting books that support my study. And there had some knowledge sharing section one a week so i joined that activity. but now that local library closed because of political situation.

Profile picture for user bero414

Submitted by bero414 on Sun, 25/08/2024 - 08:51


Yes, I have a local library, and sometimes go there once time in the month. I like to research for Sociology books.

Submitted by hatice2 on Sat, 24/08/2024 - 16:25


Do you have a local library? How often do you go there? What do you do there?

Yes I have a local library. Actly ı dont go there because ı like be comfortible ın my home. But ın the same time ı want to go for more study

Submitted by Nesrin.Essam on Mon, 19/08/2024 - 21:22


We don't have a local library where I live. We instead have Alexandria bibliothece , the most famous and huge in our country. I used to study there during my university. It was really amazing and enjoyable.

Submitted by Hung Tuan Tran on Sun, 18/08/2024 - 15:30


Yes, we have a library at my university. I often go there during break time after finishing my first class. I usually spend my time studying English or searching for documents.

Submitted by Meyvelin on Fri, 26/07/2024 - 23:29


Currently in my we don´t have a local library, if i want to read a book, I dowload in pdf or buy this one.

Profile picture for user CPV

Submitted by CPV on Tue, 23/07/2024 - 21:17



actually, I live in a country with a lot of public libraries and I have one near my apartment and go once a month to borrow a book.

Profile picture for user zino

Submitted by zino on Mon, 22/07/2024 - 19:19


We have a local library. But I preferreo to read a books in my house .

Submitted by PedroLanga on Wed, 17/07/2024 - 18:50



I live at about 25  km to Maputo City (Mozambique), and near  my house there´s no a library. I use to buy books for my tiny home library or explore e-books.