Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
From: Arina Marat, HR Assistant
To: Jane Claret
Subject: Your appointment on 14 March
Dear Ms Claret,
Thank you for your email.
I am writing to confirm your appointment with our HR manager, Mrs Sofia Aronov.
Your appointment will take place at 3 p.m. on Thursday 14 March at our Astana offices in Emerald Towers.
When you arrive, please go to the reception on the 26th floor and ask for me. I will take you to Mrs Aronov's office.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Best regards,
Arina Marat
HR Assistant
1. If you don’t know the person well, start your email with Dear + the person’s name.
2. For women, use Ms + surname unless you know they prefer to use Miss or Mrs.
3. Say thank you if you are replying to their email.
4. At the start of your email, say why you are writing: I’m writing to + verb +… .
5. Write the day (Thursday), date (14 March) and place (our Astana offices in the Emerald Towers) clearly.
6. Explain clearly what they should do when they arrive for the appointment.
7. At the end of your email, you can say I/We look forward to meeting/hearing from/seeing you soon.
8. Use Best regards or Best wishes and sign off with your name and your job title.
Dear Ms Su,
Thank you for your email.
I'm writing to confirm an appointment with my manager.
Your appointment will take place at 10 a.m. on 27 March 2025 at Novotel hotel.
When you arrive, please go to the reception and ask for me. I will take you to my manager.
I look forward to meet you soon.
Best regards,
Sa Wan
HR assistant
When I was looking for a job, they prefer to contact me by phone call, they don´t really write this kind of mails.
I think is bcs they want to be sure you know the information instantly.
For example, the man who hired me for the job, confirmed the appointmen by phone a day before the meeting.
From: Milano, HR Assistant
To: MeiMei
Subject Your appointment on 13 May
Dear Mr MeiMei
Thank you for your email
I am writing to confirm your interview with our HR manager, Ms Kim.
Your interview will take place at 3pm on Tuesday 13 May at our offices in the River Towers.
Whẹn you arrive please ask for me at the reception I will come and take you to the interview.
We look forward to meeting you soon
Best regards,
HR assistant
I never write emails like this one to confirm an appointment but i will start to write like this one.
From : HR Perseus mining
Subject : Email to confirm your appointment
I am writing to confirm your appointment with our HR Manager, Mrs AKOUN.
Your appointment will take place on Friday, 11 octobre at 16 : 00 pm at our meeting room of Angree Gestoci. If you arrive, ask for Miss Amalaman who will introduce you toward me.
Don't forget to bring your ID and your resume by arriving.
we are looking forward to meeting you
Best regards
Mrs Akoun
From: Santos, Rafael.
To: Anderson
Subject: Your lesson on 7 October
Dear Mr Anderson
Thank you for the help in the teachings. I would like to confirm my curriculum on the interview in your company at 08 a.m. on Thursday 14 October
I am writing to confirm your appointment with our IT team developer, Mr. João, in offices in company building.
When you arrive, please go to the reception on the 1th floor and ask for me. I will take you to Mr João office.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Best regards,
Rafael Santos
IT Team
Dear Mr. James,
Thank you for your email. I am writing in response to your last email about the concert which will be on Thursday 9 October 2024. You said that the concert will be by a famous band from this town, and I’m very curious about them. When the concert will confirm, please tell me for I’m listen to and admiring. I’m looking forward to asking you about a partnership with bands. I’m watching your work for a long time, and I admire it. We by MY band, are look forward to meeting your band.
Best regards,
Mariana G N Silva
Music teacher
From: Gabriel Vinicius,HR assistant
To: Anderson
Subject Your appointment on 15 October
Dear Mr Anderson,
Thank you for your email.
I am writing to confirm your interview with our HR manager, Mr James.
Your interview will take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday 15 October at our offices in the golden towers.
When you arrive please ask for me. I will take you to Mr James office.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Best regards,
Gabriel Vinicius
HR assistant
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Thank you for your email. I’m writing in response to your message about the concert on Thursday, 20 December, 2024. I’m very curious to learn more about the famous band from this town that will be performing. Once the concert is confirmed, please let me know, as I’m eager to listen and admire their work.
Best regards,
[Ryan G. C. Ramon]
Dear Ms Rysta,
I would like to confirm your appointment with our CEO, Mr Dirman.
Your appointment will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday 15 November at Equity Tower Office.
When you arrive, please go to the receptionist and ask for me and I will take you to Mr Dirham office.
Don't forget to bring your ID and wear an office attire outfit.
We look forward to meeting you
Best regards,
I often receive a message regarding meeting confirmation, especially when it is a first time meeting. But in some cases, I also add my phone number so that the person can contact me directly if any further details.