Episode 02

Marcia and Philip discuss the applications they've received and the interview format.

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Philip: So, how many applications did we get, Marcia?

Marcia: Well, overall we've got over 200!

Philip: That many?

Marcia: Yes, but most of which we can discard right away ... people who don't have the right experience, qualifications, that kind of thing.

Philip: Of course.

Marcia: ... and then we get the people who submit ten-page-long CVs, or CVs in comic book font, or green ink, or ... they attach a photo of themselves disco dancing, you know the kind of thing? So, I've whittled down the serious candidates to a shortlist of 12 people.

Philip: And we'll interview all of them?

Marcia: I think we should but, obviously, I'll let you have a look first.

Philip: Great. So, who have we got then?

Marcia: Well, I think we've got some pretty strong candidates. Two in particular.

Philip: They have the right kind of profile?

Marcia: I'd certainly say so. Strong educational background, experience in multinational sales, language skills ...

Philip: Good. I look forward to meeting them.

Marcia: So, I'd say we do the standard interview format.

Philip: Sure.

Marcia: A few general questions, then on to specifics.

Philip: Yes, exactly. I want to hear specific details of when they've solved problems.

Marcia: Yes, and then something about 'vision', as you put it.

Philip: Yes ... what do you think about a brief presentation?

Marcia: I think that's a good idea. We could ask them to give a short presentation on where they see the company going and how they see themselves taking us there.

Philip: Great! You know something? I'm really looking forward to this!

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Abdulaziz AZ on Wed, 29/04/2020 - 02:18

My tips one page be serious

Submitted by Dodo Mohamed on Sat, 25/04/2020 - 23:49

Tips for cv. • Begin with the personal information. • write your career objective. • list your work experience from the recent. • High light your education. • Use formal colors like black and blue. •list your Achievements • write your hobbies and interests.

Submitted by rivercountryside on Tue, 21/04/2020 - 08:53

The CV include : - The information personal. - Degree qualification - Experiences work - Skill languages, team work, ... - Vision, Target. - Salary.
Profile picture for user Alina Polevaya

Submitted by Alina Polevaya on Wed, 08/04/2020 - 06:49

Tips for preparing CV - one page - study - professional experience - skills - languages - hobby - examples of successful projects - strengths/weaknesses If I forgot something, add in comments please. It could be useful for other readers
Profile picture for user OlaIELTS

Submitted by OlaIELTS on Sun, 05/04/2020 - 01:57

Hi, The tips that I has for preparing a CV includes: - A profile. - A vision statement. - Personal skills. - A detailed educational and working experience. - Language and technical skills. Thanks.

Submitted by shahhoseini on Thu, 06/02/2020 - 11:51

Hello Dear Kirk I have a question from you. I try at the end of each lesson, answer your question and occasionally ask you some problems, but I don't notice your response. Could you have a notification to me or other students, for example on way email?

Hello shahhoseini

That's a good idea, but I'm afraid that there are no notifications like the ones you ask about on LearnEnglish. I will mention this to our technical team and if I have any news to report, I'll let you know.

You might want to copy the URL of the pages you've asked a question on into a document. Then, once your question is answered, you can erase the URL. That's a pretty basic system, but perhaps it could work for you.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by abdelhamiedo on Wed, 29/01/2020 - 14:58

that's very good to improve my English thank's