equality and diversity

equality and diversity

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Listen to a team meeting about diversity to practise and improve your listening skills.

When women's rights go backwards, the only answer is to keep pushing forwards. This powerful video explains more.

Learn how to write an essay that suggests reasons for and solutions to a problem.

October is Black History Month in the UK. The event recognises black people's achievements and educates people about black history.

Tindy left Rwanda when he was just a teenager and moved to the UK as a refugee. There, he met the famous actress Emma Thompson and was adopted by her. In this video, they describe Tindy's incredible journey.

How many female artists could you name? This video discusses women in art in the past, present and future.

This video honours the great women of science who have changed the world forever! How many of these famous female scientists do you know about?

There's more behind the International Day of Happiness than you might think. Find out more by reading the article and answering the questions.

There are about 6,500 languages in the world, but did you know that a language disappears and dies every two weeks? International Mother Language Day, on 21 February, is a day to celebrate and protect all the languages of the world.

What happens when three young girls meet the women doing their dream jobs? In this video, we see the importance of positive female role models.

Listen to Melissa talking about The Hypatia Trust, a charity she founded to record and celebrate the achievements of women in all aspects of their lives.

Becoming a refugee is something that could happen to any of us. In this video, famous people from around the world talk about the importance of helping people who are escaping difficult situations.

Many countries around the world celebrate Pride Month in June. Watch this video to find out about some other flags within the LGBTQ+ community.

Did you know that there's a World Emoji Day? Well, there is ... and it's on July 17! surprise 

World Mental Health Day, on 10 October, is a day to raise awareness of the effects mental illness has on millions of people’s lives across the world, and to help educate and inform us all.