food and drink

food and drink

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Are you adventurous when it comes to food? Watch this video about a famous Italian food – would you be brave enough to try it?

Read a menu to practise and improve your reading skills. 

Listen to Jo talking about a very special restaurant she visited recently.

Stephen and Ashlie visit Chinatown to look for some cooking tips.

We usually think of fruit as a healthy food. But could it also have some negative effects?

What do you know about chocolate? Learn about the history of chocolate and the interesting journey from cocoa bean to chocolate bar.

It's Christmas morning! Ashlie's got a lot to do to cook dinner for the family, but can she get Stephen to help?

Rob and Ashlie talk about Christmas food, then look at the difference between verbs we use in the present continuous and verbs we usually use in the present simple.

Do these exercises to learn the names of some common drinks.

LearnEnglish Podcasts is back! Some things are the same (Tess, Ravi and Carolina) and some things are new, for example the presenters. So whether you're new to LearnEnglish Podcasts or have been listening since Series 1, give it a try!

Carolina and Jamie disagree about telling Emily about Cameron as they get ready to eat dinner, while Adam and Jo consider potatoes and the past continuous. 

Tess and Ravi talk about a typical English drink and where to find it. Jo and Adam look at adjectives and adverbs. 

Tess and Ravi discuss something British that people think isn't much good. Adam and Rob read your comments about your jobs.

Carmen looks at the different food that people in Britain enjoy eating and talks about how food in Britain comes from all over the world.

What do people eat in the UK? Do these exercises and learn words for some common foods in Britain.

Vocabulary exercises to help learn words for more common foods in Britain.

Learn more words for different kinds of fruit using these exercises!

Learning how to chop an onion is really, really useful. You'll probably chop hundreds, if not thousands, of onions in your life. So, learn how to do it really well with this video.  

Do you like ice cream? Learn how to make some at home in less than a minute.

Learn a simple recipe for making delicious pancakes with British chef Jamie Oliver. 

Ice cream is everyone's favourite… Or almost everyone's, anyway! Join Joe down on Solley's Farm in Kent as he finds out how the icy treat is made.

Learn how to make a lemon pavlova – a dessert made of meringue with cream and almonds on top – and amaze your friends and family. Delicious!

Do these vocabulary exercises and learn words for different kinds of meat and fish.

Tea is the world's second most popular drink (after water!). In the UK, you can even celebrate drinking it on 21 April.

Stephen and Ashlie meet up with some friends for a night out in London. Will they manage to find a venue that everyone will enjoy?

Rob talks about how people behave in a pub and the expressions we use when we want to make offers and requests.

First, Rob talks about ordering instructions in English, and then he talks about keen on.

Pancake Day is on a different date every year and is a celebration unique to the UK. Read the text and find out why British people celebrate with pancakes.

Vocabulary exercises to help learn words for some snacks and desserts in Britain.

In this video, Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti tells us about the healthy snacks that she eats in the spaceship.