human rights

human rights

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When women's rights go backwards, the only answer is to keep pushing forwards. This powerful video explains more.

May 1 is International Workers' Day. On this day, people in many countries around the world celebrate workers' achievements and march in the streets demanding fair pay and better working conditions.

December 2 is the United Nation's International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Did you know that slavery still exists today and is probably much closer to you than you realise?

Children all around the world need adults to help, protect and teach them. Do you know what the Rights of the Child are? Every year, 20 November is Universal Children's Day, a chance for all of us to learn how we can help the youngest, most vulnerable members of our communities.

World Water Day, 22 March, draws attention to the essential role of water in our lives, the difficulties people face in getting it and solutions to these problems.

On Safer Internet Day let's take a closer look at who uses our online data, what it's used for and what we can do to protect it.