Delexical verbs: 'have', 'take', 'make', 'give', 'go' and 'do'

Level: beginner

We often use common verbs like have and take with nouns like a shower, a drink:

I took a shower. (= I showered.)
She had a drink. (= She drank something.)

We call these delexical verbs because the important part of the meaning is taken out of the verb and put into the noun.

We often put adjectives in front of the noun:

I took a cold shower.
She had a nice, refreshing drink.

The verbs used most frequently in this way are:

have take make give


We use have with:

  have ...
food and drink a meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack, a cup of tea
talking a chat, a conversation, a discussion, a talk
washing a bath, a shower, a wash, a scrub
resting a break, a holiday, a rest
disagreeing an argument, a dispute, a fight, a quarrel

I had a good breakfast before I left home.
We had a long talk about the problem.
The kids should have a bath before they go to bed.
She generally had a short holiday in July or August.
They had a serious quarrel about their father's will.

We also use have with nouns formed from verbs:

I think you should have a look at this.
She had a bite of the cake.
I'm thirsty. I'm going to have a drink of water.
I had a listen to that new CD in the car.
They are going to have a swim.

Delexical verbs 1: have



We use take with:

washing a bath, a shower, a wash
resting a break, a holiday, a rest

I always take a cold shower in the morning.
You look tired. You need to take a break.

and with these words:

care of
a turn
the trouble
a chance
a risk
a decision
a photograph

We took hundreds of photographs on holiday.
Jane always takes a lot of trouble with her homework.

We also use take with some nouns formed from verbs:

I think you should take a look at this.
Let's take a walk.
They are going to take a swim.

Delexical verbs 2: take


Delexical verbs 3: have and take



We use give with:

noises a cry, a laugh, a scream, a shout, a whistle
facial expressions a smile, a grin, a look, a glance
hitting a kick, a punch, a slap, a push, a knock, a blow
affectionate actions a hug, a kiss, a stroke
talking some advice, an answer, some information, an interview, a lecture, some news, a report, a speech, a talk, a warning

She gave a loud laugh.
John gave a happy smile.
He gave me a nasty kick on the leg.
She gave the children a goodnight kiss and put them to bed.
I have to give a speech at the meeting tomorrow.

Delexical verbs 4: give



We use make with:

talking and sounds a comment, an enquiry, a noise, a point, a promise, a sound, a speech, a suggestion
plans arrangements, a choice, a decision, a plan, plans, an appointment, a date

Try not to make a noise.
They made arrangements to meet the next day.

Delexical verbs 5: make


Delexical verbs 6: give and make



We also use go as a delexical verb:

Shall we go swimming this afternoon? Or shall we go for a walk?
Mum and Dad have gone shopping.
We're going dancing tonight. Do you want to come?

We use go with -ing verbs for common activities:

We usually go walking at the weekend.
He goes running every evening after supper.
Mum's out. She's gone shopping.

We use go for a with verbs to do with moving:

a jog a ride a swim a run a stroll a walk

I want to get out of here. Let's go for a walk.
He's gone for a ride on his bike.

Delexical verbs 7: go



We use do with -ing nouns to do with work, especially work in the house:

It's your turn to do the cooking.
You do the washing up and I'll do the drying.

and with other nouns to do with work:

I need to do a few jobs around the house.
I can't come out this evening. I have a lot of work to do.

We use do with nouns when it is obvious what the action is:

I'll have to do my hair before we go out. (= I'll have to brush my hair.)
Have you done your teeth? (= Have you cleaned your teeth?)

A question like

Have you done the car?

could mean

Have you washed the car?
Have you mended the car?
Have you put petrol in the car?

depending on the context.

Delexical verbs 8: do


Delexical verbs 9: go and do


Average: 4.1 (57 votes)
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Submitted by Samavor on Tue, 22/10/2024 - 14:58


Hello Learn English Team:

Could you please tell me if the verbs want, need, and like are considered causative verbs in the next sentences:

I need someone to help me.
Why do you want me to help you?
I want you to sweep the floor.
My friend likes Sally to help him.

I would really aqppreciate any answer on the topic.

Best wishes,


Hello Samavor,

Causation is about one actor making another do something. It is not only intention (wanting or desiring something) but rather about actually making the action happen. Examples of causation are constructions such as make someone do something, cause someone to do something, get someone to do something and force someone to do something. Your examples show intention, which is something different.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by User_1 on Mon, 22/07/2024 - 15:13



About the 'causative have' form: have + object + past participle.
It refers to the speaker that arranges for someone else to do some things. Is it correct?

How can I recognize it from the standard present perfect form?
Could you please give me some examples?

It is not so easy to identify it correctly within a paragraph.

Thank you.

Hello User_1,

Yes, generally the causative have for describes a service which the speaker has paid for or arranged in some other way.


The main difference is one of form. With causative have the object comes between the auxiliary 'have' and the past participle, while with the present perfect the object follows the past participle:

I have painted the walls. [present perfect - I did the painting]

I have the walls painted. [causative have - I arrange for someone else to do the painting]



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Sep80 on Wed, 17/07/2024 - 16:25


Dear LearnEnglish team,

I am inquiring whether the following sentence employs a causative structure:

"This study had its conclusion well-supported."

If it is not a causative structure, could you please explain the construction "have + object + past participle" and its intended meaning?

Additionally, regardless of whether it is causative or not, what function does the past participle "well-supported" serve? Could it be classified as an object complement?

Thank you for your assistance.

Hello Sep80,

In terms of structure it certainly resembles a 'causative have' form: have + object + past participle. To change the time reference you would change the form of 'have', just as with any 'causative have' structure. However, in terms of meaning it is different and it defies analysis as a causative structure: you cannot identify a causer or a causee with any clarity here.


This form is often used to show completed goals or tasks. For example, imagine a person preparing to go on a journey. They might say something like this:

OK, we have the bags packed, we have the sandwiches made, we have the route planned... we're ready to go!

There is no causation here: the speaker did not arrange for someone else to do these things. Rather it is an alternative to the standard present perfect form:

We have packed the bags > We have the bags packed.

Your example is similar. It does not contain a list of items but still shows the completion of a required/desired step.

Additionally, regardless of whether it is causative or not, what function does the past participle "well-supported" serve? Could it be classified as an object complement?

Yes, that's right.



The LearnEnglish Team

Thank you for your explanation. 

According to the example you provided, "We have packed the bags" can be rephrased as "We have the bags packed". Would it be correct to assume that my original sentence, "This study had its conclusion well-supported", conveys the same meaning as the past perfect tense? 
> "This study had well-supported its conclusion."

However, I'm unsure if it should be interpreted in the simple past tense. If it can be, how would that align with the rephrased example you provided? and why is it in the causative structure then?! 

I appreciate your guidance on this matter."

Hello again Sep80,

As I said before, although it is possible to rephrase such sentences there is a slight difference in meaning, or in emphasis. The form 'have something done' emphasises the result or achievement. This is appropriate in your context.

The correct form in the original sentence would be 'well supported' without the hyphen, and the verb would be simply 'supported' with the adverb 'well', so that would produce a sentence like this:

The study had supported its conclusions well.

As noted above, this does change the sense of the sentence somewhat, putting the emphasis on the earlier action rather than the later result/achievement.

You could create a sentence using the past simple such as 'The study supported its conclusions well' but this is now moving well away from the sense of the original sentence.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by jitu_jaga on Wed, 10/04/2024 - 10:54


Hello TheLearnEnglish team,
   I brought you a little present.
   I got you a little present.
   I have brought you a little present.
   I have got you a little present.
My confusion is,  do english speakers sometimes omit 'have' while speaking these sentences or all the four sentences have different meaning? Please clarify..

Hello jitu_jaga,

'I brought' is past simple and 'I have brought' is present perfect. 

Similarly, 'I got' is past simple and 'I have got' is present perfect here.

There are two main slight differences between these sentences, but all four effectively mean the same thing -- in other words, in the situation where you are announcing to someone that you have a gift for them, they are all appropriate.

One difference is the difference between 'get' and 'bring': 'get' is understood to mean 'buy' and so involves money, whereas 'bring' talks about moving something from one place to the present place. In the end, this difference isn't important in many situations.

The other difference is the difference between past simple and present perfect. We typically use the present perfect to refer to recent events, but especially in some varieties of English, such as American English, it can also refer to recent events. So again, in the end, this difference probably isn't very important in most situations.

I hope this helps you make sense of it.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team


Submitted by Miiin on Thu, 11/01/2024 - 03:36


Is there any different between "we're going dancing tonight?" And " we're going to dance tonight?"
Thanks a lots.

Hello Miiin,

In terms of the time they are talking about and the speaker's way of viewing them, they are the same. 

But there is a small difference in meaning between the two phrases. 'to go dancing' is an activity, like 'to go shopping', 'to go skiing', whereas 'to dance' is less specific.

So the first one would be better if it's talking about a plan for tonight. The second one could be used in many situations, but one, for example, would be when you've been wanting to dance with a person but haven't been able to yet -- perhaps you're both in a dancing class, but the other person has always had other partners and tonight you really want to dance with them.

Hope that helps.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by HLH on Tue, 26/09/2023 - 19:16


I have a mobile phone (Meaning: There is a mobile phone with me now )
I had a mobile phone (Meaning: There was a mobile phone with me )
Is this correct ?

Also This meaning is both formal and informal ?

Hello HLH,

Yes, 'have' describes a present situation and 'had' describes a past situation.

You can use 'have' to mean that it is with you or that you own it - the context would clarify which.

There is no inherent formality to these sentences. They can be used in any context.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by User_1 on Mon, 25/09/2023 - 14:20


Even though this is not the right session, could I ask you the difference between verbs like "Make, Have and Get" as causative verbs?
Especially in these cases:
To make somebody/something do something - Is it an expression of power?
To have somebody do something -- Is it just a form of request?
To get somebody/something to do something -- Is it a way to persuade somebody/something to do something?
Thanks for help.

Hi User_1,

Sure, no problem! 

  • Make means to force somebody to do something. The person has no choice but to do it. 
  • Have means not exactly to request but to ask or instruct somebody to do something. It often implies some kind of professional or commercial arrangement, i.e. the person is hired or paid to do that thing - e.g. I had the waiter bring us some more water. / I had the accountant check over all the accounts.
  • Get means to persuade, as you say.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by howtosay_ on Sat, 09/09/2023 - 03:12


Hello, dear teachers and team!

Could you please help me with the following:

Is it correct to say "I have a good day" if talking about just one specific day? Or should I say "I had a good day" (if it is the end of the day) or "I've had a good day" (if it's about 7-8 p.m.) And could you please also tell me if it is possible to say "I've been having a good day" if I, for example, expect to have a good day until it ends.

I'm very very grateful for sharing your knowledge and helping me (in particular) a lot and thank you very much for your answer to this comment in advance!

Hello howtosay_.

The choice of verb form is as you say, though 'I'm having a good day' would be the correct form rather than 'I have...'.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Tim on Mon, 05/07/2021 - 01:28

Hi in the following sentences could someone guide me if the verb is transitive or intransitive. 1) The crow was flying high in the sky. 2) He was jumping on the floor. Going through variation exercises on the internet I came across these and a few more. These two sentences in particular have left me confused. Could someone please guide me as to why the verb in the above sentences are transitive or intransitive.

Hi Tim,

You've already posted this question on another page. Please post questions once only. Multiple posting like this only slows the reply process down.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by HEMAM on Thu, 18/03/2021 - 04:11

Hello Sir We use noun form of verbs only with " have/take " ? we can't say give a look ?

Hello Hemam,

The first sentence of this page doesn't mean that only 'have' and 'take' are used this way; it just gives two examples instead of all of them. If you read further in the explanation, you'll see that 'give' is also used as a delexical verb. There are examples of it being used this way in the table above.

People would understand 'give a look', but it sounds a little odd to me. I'd say 'have' or 'take' with 'a look'.

All the best,


The LearnEnglish Team

We sometimes use give with the noun verb look, I think it may be colloquial usage though. I've heard people say 'give it a look', as in 'I'll give it a look' or 'I'll look at it for you'. Similar expressions are 'give it a go' meaning try it, or 'give it a whirl', with the same meaning.

Submitted by xeesid on Sat, 22/08/2020 - 12:48

Dear sir, What is the best way to tell someone to give a patient the medicine? 1. Have him take medicine. 2. Make him take medicine. 3. Get him to take medicine. 4. Give him medicine to take. Note the situation please. The nurse for example will give the syrup bottle to the patient, and the patient will himself drink that syrup.
Profile picture for user Peter M.

Submitted by Peter M. on Sun, 23/08/2020 - 08:02

In reply to by xeesid


Hello xeesid,

In the context you provide, I think only the second one sounds a little odd as make suggests forcing someone to do something that they do not want to do. Even if a patient is unwilling, the sentence would not be formed in this way in a doctor's surgery.

Note that we would say the medicine in each case.


You could also say the following:

Ask him to take the medicine.

Tell him to take the medicine.


Most simply, you could say:

Give him the medicine.

The context would make it clear that the patient should take the medicine rather than simply leave with the bottle!



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Jostev on Sun, 08/12/2019 - 06:19

When did the word ”do” become the meaning ”have” in the phrase, ”Let’s do lunch.” ?

Hello Jostev

I'm not a lexicologist, but I believe this particular expression came in to use in the 1980s. Note that while it does mean 'have lunch', to my ears, at least, it makes the lunch sound like a task. Not necessarily a task that you don't want to do, just that there's some other motivation behind it than just getting together and socialising.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user PAVS

Submitted by PAVS on Fri, 04/10/2019 - 00:14

Is "take a decision" actually correct? I've read many English blogs where they said is incorrect.

Hello PAVS,

Both 'take a decision' and 'make a decision' are correct. 'Make a decision' is a little less common, but is fine.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by ABDO HASSAN on Tue, 29/01/2019 - 11:16

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies HAVING never really lived. What's the meaning of having here

Hello Abdo Hassan

Here, 'having' is part of the adverbial participle clause 'having never really lived'. It describes the manner in which such a person lives, i.e. he or she lives without really living. See our participle clauses page for more examples.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Marua on Tue, 03/04/2018 - 08:56

Hello. Can we use this expression 'make a right' instead of 'turn right'? And what about 'turn first right' instead of 'take the first turning on the right'?! Thanks.
Profile picture for user Kirk Moore

Submitted by Kirk Moore on Tue, 03/04/2018 - 17:24

In reply to by Marua


Hi Marua,

Yes, 'make a right' is correct and natural. The other two phrases are a bit awkward -- I'd recommend 'take the first right' instead.

All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by amol on Thu, 29/03/2018 - 06:18

Hello, Can we use "has" to show possession? For e.g, She has a brother. Is the above sentence correct? or "She have a brother" is correct?
Profile picture for user Peter M.

Submitted by Peter M. on Thu, 29/03/2018 - 08:51

In reply to by amol


Hello amol,

You can check the meaning of 'have' in any dictionary.

The third-person form of 'have' is 'has', so for she we use 'has' rather than 'have'.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by zakarek on Tue, 02/01/2018 - 03:46

Hello LearnEnglish Team. Shall I understand I have a meal. but I have lunch. If yes, so why? 'I have a lunch' would have different meaning/ is archaic/ is uncomm /for some reasons is wrong. In this situation I have English breakfast. or I have an English breakfast. because I understand it should be always I have a huge breakfast. And now to the question than dragged me here in a first place. I am having a tea. but never I am having tea. Am I right? (of course we are talking about small amount brewed tea no uncountable amount of dry leaves, so in meaning 'I am drinking now'). Does American-English change here anything?

Hello zakarek,

Generally, we do not use articles with the names of meals. Thus we say

I'm having breakfast.

We're having lunch together tomorrow.

but we also say

I had a meal before I left, so I'm not hungry.


However, when we use an adjective to describe the meal we use the indefinite article:

That was a marvellous dinner, wasn't it?

I'm going to have a huge lunch today. I'm starving!

I love an English breakfast.


Both '...tea. and '...a tea' are possible but there can be a difference in meaning:

I'm having tea describes the 'meal', so to speak, rather than the beverage. In other words, this describes the tradition of sitting down to have a cup of tea, perhaps with cake, biscuits or a sandwhich, in the afternoon.

You can also say I'm having coffee with him tomorrow, which would refer to a meeting over coffee rather than a particular drink. Tea and coffee are the only words used frequently in this way; with other drinks we use 'a' (I'm having a beer with her tonight).

I'm having a tea describes the choice of drink. You might say this when choosing something from a menu, or when describing your activity on the phone to someone who cannot see what you are drinking.


Best wishes,


The LearnEnglish Team