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Improvements to Oak Hall
This report aims to describe problems in Oak Hall of Residence and discuss possible maintenance work to solve them. The two biggest issues were discussed at a meeting on 12 May, which was attended by 165 of the 250 students who live in the building.
Issue 1: temperature in rooms
A number of students complained that the second-floor bedrooms are too hot. Concerns were raised about lack of sleep and students finding it hard to study in their rooms. Air conditioning was suggested as a possible solution.
However, there is no budget left for installing air conditioning this academic year. Also, installation can only be carried out during holidays as students cannot be present in the building while the work takes place.
Issue 2: improving wheelchair access to Oak Café
It was noted that wheelchair users can only access Oak Café from the back and not the front entrance nearer the lifts. This makes access to the café difficult for wheelchair users. The university is looking to improve its wheelchair access in general by installing ramps in key areas and work can take place during term time with no issues for staff or students.
Conclusion and recommendations
Taking the factors mentioned into account, August would be the best time for the installation of air conditioning. Until then, the university could consider supplying fans to each second-floor room so students can sleep and study comfortably.
The front of the café is recommended as an ideal place to install a wheelchair ramp. This work can take place immediately and should be a priority.
- Start with the aim of the report and say where the information comes from.
- Use subheadings to make the layout clear. Follow a logical structure, e.g.:
- Introduction
- The problem(s) (Give each issue a separate section)
- Conclusion and recommendations
- Assume the person reading the report has asked you to write it and needs only a brief introduction to the situation.
- Use an impersonal, formal style.
- Use the passive to keep the focus off individual people:
Concerns were raised about ...
... was suggested ... - You should also use objective language for recommendations and conclusions:
... would be the best …
the university could consider ...
... is recommended ...
Hello Nikolaos
Both are correct but there is a slight difference in meaning. When you say 'disease and infection', you are speaking about them in general, so saying it that way can actually include different kinds of diseases and infections. If you use the plural, then you are of course speaking about different kinds directly.
In the end, the difference in meaning is negligible. I slightly prefer the singular version, but really either is fine.
Good luck with this difficult situation.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team