An email about a business event

An email about a business event

Learn how to write an email about a business event.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

To: Jonas Schiffer
From: Nina Petrov
Subject: Report on Lumos conference

Dear Jonas,

Thanks for making it possible for me to go to the Lumos conference in London last week. As you know, it is the biggest technology conference in the country and very important to our work.

I learned a lot and I've made some new contacts that will be good for our company. I think we should try to attend the 'Innovation Day' in April as well.

I focused on talks about robotics, as that is our most interesting area at the moment. The presentations on robot 'hands' and robots for hospitals were particularly interesting for us. I'm attaching a detailed report on this new research with some suggestions about how we can use it.

Thanks again for this opportunity. I'm happy to discuss the report further if you're interested.

Best regards,


  1. Start your email with Dear to make it a little more formal. Hi is informal.
  2. Give the context at the beginning, e.g. Thanks for … or As you know, …
  3. Make sure you explain the importance of the event for your company:
    I've made some new contacts that will be good for our company.
    … were particularly interesting for us.
    … with some suggestions about how we can use it.
  4. Keep your email short. Add an attachment if you have more to say:
    I'm attaching …
  5. You can finish by offering to give more information:
    I'm happy to discuss the report further if you're interested.
  6. You can sign off with Best regards.


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Submitted by Takaya on Wed, 10/06/2020 - 02:42

Dear Thank you for attending the Japan Conference last weekend. As you know, this was Japan's largest technology conference and was an important conference for our work. We have learned a lot and have also got some new contacts to help us with our work. I'm as interested in robotics as you are. I am interested in nursing care technology that uses the robot technology. In Japan, the number of caregivers is decreasing, while the number of people requiring care is increasing. Our company aims to contribute to Japan's nursing care by using robot technology. I'll attach the details of our plan and make a suggestion on how to use it. Feel free to contact us if you are interested and need further discussion. If you would like to have a direct meeting, please let us know as we would like to set a date and time together. We hope to have a good discussion with you. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for this opportunity. Thanking you in advance.

Submitted by mouna99 on Mon, 25/05/2020 - 14:39

No, I've never attended a work conference

Submitted by Lauracastanos on Tue, 12/05/2020 - 01:02

Yes, When my boss couldn´t attend, I went to conferences in her replacement.

Submitted by Saybal Roy on Sun, 19/04/2020 - 17:43

Actually, I have never attended any business conference so far because Iam a student.

Submitted by Saybal Roy on Sun, 19/04/2020 - 17:18

Actually I have never attended a conference so far because I'm a student. But like everyone else, I've a great desire to attend a conference. Especially, if it is a physics conference I'll never tell "No". So, if anyone invites me to join a physics conference, I will accept him/her invitation.

Submitted by ademyonet on Thu, 16/04/2020 - 21:31

Yes, I went to for work conferences. As you know, conferences are grow up our informations. Everyone must attend a conference once a year. Our informations are increase at conferences.

Submitted by rivercountryside on Thu, 19/03/2020 - 08:14

Dear ! Thanks for making it possible to me to go to the Vietnam conference last month. As you know, it was an important meeting for us. I learn a lot and made new contacts good for our work. I am interest in about technology production fishing net , I hope you interesting to their. I am attaching detail new our plan, if you need to further discuss , don't hesistant contact me. I'm look forward to hearing you soon. Thanks again for this opportunity. Best regards. Mimi.
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Submitted by Magedelabd on Tue, 25/02/2020 - 17:15

Yes of course I had attended a work conference in oil shill company . Talking about the lubricant oil industry . It wad very interested to me as I am an automotive service center manager.