Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.
Before you listen
We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
Audio script
Magda: Hi, everyone!
Sarah, Olivia: Hi! Hello there!
Magda: Could I have a coffee, please, Tony?
Tony: As usual?
Magda: Yeah. By the way, do you have any champagne?
Tony: Champagne? Not in this café, Magda! Wrong place, sorry!
Olivia: Did I hear you asking for champagne, Magda?
Magda: Yes you did!
Sarah. What are you celebrating?
Magda: Well, nothing yet.
Olivia: Go on!
Magda: The company I work for ...
Sarah: Your architect’s company?
Magda: Yeah – we’ve been listed for a prize!
Sarah: Hey – that’s great!
Olivia: “Listed”? So you haven’t won the prize yet?
Magda: No – but we’re in with a good chance!
Sarah: When will you find out if you’ve won?
Magda: Really soon – I’m expecting a phone call any minute!
Sarah: Wow! How exciting!
Olivia: Fingers crossed!
Sarah: So, Olivia – tell me. How are things going with Fadi? Have you been out with him again?
Olivia: Oh ... well ... you know ...
Magda: Go on! Tell us everything!
Olivia: There’s nothing to tell! Really! Yeah, we’ve been out a couple of times, we went to a movie last night, but we’re just good friends.
Sarah: “Just good friends”?
Olivia: Yeah – really! I like him, he’s great, but nothing more than that.
Magda: I’m not sure I believe you!
Olivia: It’s true! Anyway, let’s change the subject – how are things going with you and Carlos, Sarah?
Sarah: Oh, OK.
Olivia: Come on! Who’s being shy now?
Sarah: It’s great, actually. I mean, we’re really different as people, but we get on so well together.
Magda: Sounds good ...
Sarah: Yeah, it is, but I mean it’s difficult. He doesn’t really like his job here – he’s thinking about going back to Brazil soon. I don’t know if I want to go there!
Olivia: Decisions, decisions.
Sarah: Is that you, Magda?
Magda: Yes, it is. Now I’ll find out if we’ve won ...
Sarah/Olivia: (squeal of excitement)
Magda: Hello? Yes. Yes. Oh. So? Erm, I see. And? Yes? YES!!!!!!!
Sarah/Olivia: Hooray!!!!!
Sarah: You did it!
Magda: Yes! We won!
Olivia: Fantastic! Well done!
Sarah: So was this a building you designed?
Magda: Erm, no, not exactly ...
Olivia: But you designed a lot of it?
Magda: Erm, no, not exactly ...
Sarah: The doorway?
Magda: No.
Olivia: The windows?
Magda: No.
Sarah: What did you design, then?
Magda: Erm, actually, just the handles. On the doors.
Sarah: Oh.
Olivia: The door handles?
Magda: Yes.
Olivia: I see.
Sarah: Well, that’s good! Door handles are important! You should be proud!
Magda: Yes. I guess so. It’s a start!
Tony: Sorry, girls – no champagne, but I’ll put extra sugar in your coffee. Free!
Olivia (sarcastically): Thanks, Tony!
Hello User_User,
When Magda says 'By the way, do you have any champagne?', in the context of speaking with the staff of a café or restaurant, it's definitely possible, or even likely, that Magda was ordering a glass. Here it's not completely clear whether she was ordering it or asking about its availability, but when I first listened to it, I understood that she was ordering it.
This is a good example of a case where a misunderstanding could occur and further questioning or comments would be needed to clarify her intentions.
Does that make sense?
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi RitaR
It sounds like some kind of temporary error to me. I've just managed to listen to the audio on this page on my Windows desktop and also in Chrome on my Mac laptop. It also played on my phone. Are you able to hear it now? If not, please let us know what browser version you're using.
Best wishes
The LearnEnglish Team