The challenge is on, but first Ashlie and Stephen must decide what art to make. Stephen seems to be doing well, but there's a soapy surprise in store for his customers.

Do the Preparation task first. Then watch the video. Next go to the Tasks and do the activities. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.


Before you watch

Think about the following questions:

  • Have you ever made things to sell?
  • What qualities does a good salesperson need?
  • What can you do if there is a problem with a product you buy?

Now watch to find out who wins the challenge - and how!


Shop Assistant: Can I help you?

Stephen: Yes, maybe. We’re looking for something, some materials. You know, we want to make our own art.

Shop assistant: Sure. How about this? It's a candle-making kit. It's one of the most popular products we sell.

Ashlie: Hmm, that looks a bit easier than painting. I really like that Stephen. I think I'm going to make my own candles.

Stephen: I’m looking for something a bit different.

Shop assistant: OK. Well, how about this? Everyone always needs soap.

Stephen: Ooh, soap! That's a better idea than candles.

Ashlie: Thank you.


Ashlie: Stephen, you need to take your time. This is art. You need to think about the colours.

Stephen: Ash, us artists, we prefer to create. You know, do what comes naturally.

Ashlie: But you need to be more careful. Prepare. You need to read the instructions – err, and I think you need to mix the colours first.

Stephen: Oh Ash, I don’t need to read the instructions. I’m nearly finished... and we’ve got so much to do. Stop dreaming and start making candles.

Ashlie: OK...


Stephen: Ha! I’m going to win. I've got ten times more stuff to sell.

Ashlie: Stephen. It is not about quantity. It is quality that counts.

Stephen: Well, it is a competition, Ash. And whoever sells the most will be the best salesman and the best artist and I am going to sell the most.

Ashlie: Hmmm. We'll see.


Shopper: How much are these?

Stephen: Oh, they're three pounds each.

Shopper: Can I have four, please?

Stephen: Yes! That will be twelve pounds, please.

Ashlie: Oh... Would you like a candle for a pound?

Shopper: Er, no, thank you.


Stephen: How are you getting on, Ash?

Ashlie: Not too bad – I’ve sold a few more.

Stephen: I’ve sold more than 20 bars of soap. That’s more than 60 pounds. Not bad, eh? Come on, Ash. I think I’ve won. Hand over the money.

Ashlie: OK then, Stephen. Here you go... you win.

Stephen: There’s one of my customers from this morning. She bought four bars of soap. Maybe she needs some more.

Shopper: Excuse me. I bought this soap from you this morning.

Stephen: Yes?

Shopper: And I want my money back!

Ashlie: And so do I, Stephen. Come on. I want my money back, too.

Task 1

Is it Ashlie or Stephen who does these things? Drag the correct name into the gaps.


Task 2

Type numbers from the video into the spaces to complete the sentences.


Task 3

Type in the missing words. Use the first letters to help you.


Average: 5 (2 votes)

Submitted by nikoslado on Tue, 16/08/2022 - 11:41


Dear Team,
is it precise to say ''art'' or ''make some art'' when speaking about handicrafts or playing like children with different materials of craft? Or is this all rather an ironic comment for adults Ashlie and Stephen trying to ''make art'' having no idea about all of that?
Thanks a lot,

Hello Nikos,

Many people would certainly agree with you, and this episode does make light of Stephen and Ashlie's attitudes towards making art in this episode. If they were working with clay or painting and really exploring the process, then I'd be inclined to call it 'making art', even if they are amateurs. But when you start with a kit in a box, I'd probably not.

All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by sumaya on Fri, 03/07/2020 - 11:48

i have trouble here.i cant remember the conversation so ican not fill the gabs i wish you can advice me

Hello sumaya,

Listening skills develop over time with practice, so there's nothing wrong with using different techniques to help yourself as you go. For example, you can pause the text as you listen so that you have more time. You can use the transcript so that you can read and listen at the same time. You can listen once or twice (and read) before you attempt the tasks.

Remember that there is no single correct way to learn. What is important is that you find the approach which works for you at your stage of learning.


In the future, as you improve, you may find that different approaches work better. For now, try using the script and the pause button and that may help you.



The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user Duy Nguyen

Submitted by Duy Nguyen on Sun, 17/11/2019 - 19:02

In my second year at university, I sold a dish called Rice noodles with Barbecue. My business was not bad because there were quite lots of customers coming and buying my food. I saved some money for myself as well. I guess a good salesman needs to be confident and funny a bit. He also must have a belief in his products so he could persuade people to buy. It's Ok if the problem is small otherwise I will certainly complain to the customer service and get my money back.

Submitted by parisaach on Sat, 14/09/2019 - 05:32

I've never made anything to sell except in my childhood when I bought some paintings to my sister.