Challenging someone's ideas

In this video, Vanya tells Paul and Emir about her latest idea. Listen to the language they use for challenging someone's ideas and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say

Do you know what to say when you want to challenge someone's ideas? Listen out for useful language for challenging someone's ideas. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.


Vanya: Guys! I've got it! I've figured it out!

Emir: Figured what out?

Paul: That it's polite to knock on the door before coming in? 

Vanya: This idea is just too good, Paul! It's too good!

Paul: Go on, then.

Vanya: So! Cats!

Emir: I'm a bit lost. What are you talking about?

Vanya: Videos. Cat videos! For our social media account. Hundreds of them. Everyone loves cats! 

Paul: I hate cats.

Vanya: Everyone except you, Paul.

Paul: Have you considered the fact that we're a branding agency, not a pet shop?

Vanya: I take your point, Paul, but, come on, be imaginative! Cat videos are some of the most searched videos on the internet.

Emir: I see where you're coming from, Vanya, but I think I agree with Paul here. How is this relevant for a branding agency?

Vanya: Look. Social media, it's a numbers game. If we share dozens of cat videos each day, then we get more followers. 

Emir: That's true. So how exactly do you see this working? I mean, who's going to find all these videos?

Vanya: Erm, OK, I'm very aware of the challenges here, but I'm convinced this is going to work.

Paul: I'm not so sure.

Emir: Well, I guess you have to look at it from both sides. Why don't we try it for a couple of weeks and see if there's any impact?

Vanya: Great! We are going to get so many more followers. I'm absolutely positive! 

Paul: Good luck with that! I hope it doesn't turn out to be a cat-astrophe ... What? ... It's a good joke.


Ana: Hello again! Well, I thought that was a good joke! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for challenging someone's ideas? Listen to me and then repeat. 


I'm a bit lost. What are you talking about?

Have you considered the fact that we're a branding agency, not a pet shop?

I take your point, but be imaginative. 

I see where you're coming from.

I think I agree with Paul here.

How exactly do you see this working?

I'm very aware of the challenges here, but I'm convinced this will work. 

You have to look at it from both sides.


Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to challenge someone's ideas in English. Bye for now! 


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Submitted by cittàutopica on Wed, 23/09/2020 - 18:40

Yes, I have tried an unusual idea at work, when I organized the first fair of guidance counseling in my region: I invited a graphologist for analysing the writing of students in relation to their characteristics; this innovation achieved resounding success. It's a usual right now, but it was a very new arrival a lot of years ago.

Submitted by selenozbek on Fri, 04/09/2020 - 13:02

I am very open-minded at this point, but I have never tried unusual ideas at work because of companies doesn't ready

Submitted by Asina9 on Sat, 29/08/2020 - 12:23

But sometimes new ideas could be devastating and end in failure..All new ideas does not lead to success..

Submitted by Betty Corado on Thu, 27/08/2020 - 19:11

In my last job, we used to do a Food Friday, just like the story, some coworkers brought food for their homes and share with the rest of the team, each of us had to brought something different, for have a full menu, this was for breakfast, was fun, but not all the time, sometimes was difficult to coordinate everyone, some people eat more than other y that was not good.

Submitted by Asni on Wed, 26/08/2020 - 23:05

My mother is used to come up with unusual ideas, she is very imaginative, she also likes challenges and adventures. What amazes and impresses me is that she never gives up, when she has an idea, no matter how challenging it is, she thinks about it, discusses it with some trustworthy people and if she arrives at the conclusion that it is worth a try, then she decides on going ahead. When I'm concerned by that idea, I don't hesitate to give it a try, because she is a very wise woman, and I trust her a lot. She's is very experienced either professionnally or socially,

Submitted by Alejo on Fri, 21/08/2020 - 13:50

Of course. Trying new ideas keep us active and eager to get more from our live, work and relationships. If not, everything becomes so boring that in a short period of time, we´ll become sad people. If it works, you get a credit. If it fail, you get a new oportunity to learn something new to do it better next. Living that way, is amazing.!

Submitted by M19 on Tue, 21/07/2020 - 14:40

Of course!Things had begun to deteriorate, so it was quite necessary to implement one. It brought marked improvement in the first quarter of the year as there were no cases of accidents reported.

Submitted by Mariacha on Sun, 12/07/2020 - 11:58

No I never try any unsual idea at work.

Submitted by Shahlo on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 12:28

Yes you are right it is really joke. l sometimes meet this type of unusual ideas from my colleagues. At the moment l agree to Paul's idea because it's not pet brend