A voicemail message

A voicemail message

Listen to a voicemail message and answer the questions to practise your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first.

Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



John: Hi, this is John. Thanks for calling. I'm not here at the moment, so please leave a message and I'll call you back.

Marina: Hi, John, this is Marina Silva calling from Old Time Toys. Your colleague Alex gave me your phone number. She said you can help me.

I need some information on your new products. Could you please call me when you are back in the office? My phone number is 0-2-0-8, 6-5-5-7-6-2-1.

Also, can you please email me your new brochure and information about your prices? My email address is Marina, that's M-A-R-I-N-A, dot Silva, S-I-L-V-A, at O-L-D-T-I-M-E hyphen toys dot com.

Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you.

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet70.36 KB

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Average: 4.4 (397 votes)

Submitted by Muhammadrizo on Sat, 20/03/2021 - 07:42

No. I don't. Because my english is not good. then I live in Uzbekistan. Here many people talking each other in uzbek and russian languages. therefor I have not sent voice massage

Submitted by Veronikka on Wed, 17/03/2021 - 01:11

No, I don't. I work in Peru but sometimes I speak with foreign suppliers by chat or email. I practice my English in that moments. I'm good at writing but I don't speak English fluently yet.

Submitted by DarwinM on Tue, 16/03/2021 - 22:53

Yes, I do. Recently I started to practice my listening and speaking, so I send voice messages, but hardly ever make a call phone.

Submitted by MikhailZatopliaev on Sun, 14/03/2021 - 23:33

I am never send a voice messages in English, but one time I have speak with hotel reception.

Submitted by erum on Fri, 12/03/2021 - 13:24

Yes, I made phone calls. And yes, I left voicemail messages in English.

Submitted by Esila Buse Güner on Tue, 09/03/2021 - 22:34

I have never left a voicemail massage in English and also in my native language :) I always prefer text message

Submitted by PARIMALA MADIAZHAKAN on Mon, 08/03/2021 - 04:50

NO, I never make phone calls or leave voicemail messages in English. But if I get chance to do like that definitely I will take that opportunity and I will do my level best.

Submitted by Giuliana on Sat, 06/03/2021 - 16:23

No, I never called or sent a voicemail messages in english but i would like to do it :)

Submitted by TIa vinaka on Fri, 05/03/2021 - 04:48

Yes I tried a lot of times. to apply for a job, to book a hospital, to ask about tax return to office and bank. I get nervous whenever I make a call in English. I also speak with my friends on the phone in English I really enjoy call with foreign friends even though we don't speak English very well.
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