Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Junko: Hello, Junko Mori speaking. How can I help you?
Andrea: Hi, Junko, it's Andrea here from Red Band. I'm calling about our latest order.
Junko: Everything arrived OK, right? We got the delivery confirmation at our end.
Andrea: Yes, everything's fine with the order. I'm calling about the invoice and the payment terms. I need a favour.
Junko: A favour? What do you need?
Andrea: This is a little, er ... difficult, but I need an extension on the payment terms. I know they're usually 30 days, but we're having some cash flow problems. You'd really be helping us out if you could extend it to 60 days.
Junko: I'm not sure if I can do that, Andrea. We've got regulations at our end, and also have to manage our own cash flow.
Andrea: I promise this won't become the norm, Junko. Actually, I also want to place another new order. The same size order as last time. It's for an important customer and they pay on delivery.
Junko: I see. So your cash flow problem will be solved after this new order is delivered.
Andrea: Exactly.
Junko: That sounds good. Hold on, Andrea. Let me see what I can do. Yes, I think we can make an exception this time.
Andrea: That's great, Junko. I appreciate your help.
Junko: And we appreciate your business, Andrea. It works both ways.
Andrea: Thanks again, Junko. Can you send me a quick email confirmation of the payment terms extension?
Junko: Sure, no problem. We're happy to help you.
Andrea: Great. And I'll email you the new order.
Junko: Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it. Talk to you soon.
Andrea: You too. Goodbye.
Hi Josedaniel51,
To add a sentence to a group, first click or press on the sentence. It will turn grey. Then, click on one of the two grey boxes below, and it will be added to it. Make sure you click on the box, not any sentences that are already in the box (as that will replace it rather than add it).
I hope that helps.
The LearnEnglish Team
I agree, I don't have any expererience doing that but i could do it, if the customer or client have a considerable reason to help them. I think thats good to improve the relation between company and customer/client.