Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Hi Rebecca,
How ARE you?! It's been ages!! I thought I'd drop you a line seeing as I'm stuck in the airport with nothing to do but make use of the free Wi-Fi.
Not that writing to you isn't top of my list of things to do, of course ;) but I've been totally snowed under at work, plus all the family stuff that's been going on ... Anyway, I'm just about to go on a much-needed holiday so I really can't complain!
Anyhoo … what have you been up to? I saw Carol a couple of months ago – don't know if you heard what happened with her job but it made me feel grateful I only slightly hate mine – and she was saying your book is going to be published?! GREAT news!!! Send me a link and I'll definitely buy it and leave a five-star review :)
As for me, same old, same old re: job. Maggie and I broke up a while ago, as you know, but we're getting on much better now and it's working out far better for the kids. No-one new on the horizon but I'm off to Canada travelling for a month (if this plane ever leaves!) so who knows?!
Actually, I'll be flying over your house in a few hours. I'll wave! Let's make a plan to see each other when I get back, OK?
Hope life's treating you well!
Lots of love,
- It's common to start with a reason for writing and refer to how long it's been since you saw or wrote to each other.
- Use phrasal verbs (e.g. going on, been up to) and informal expressions (e.g. drop you a line, same old, same old) to give it a friendly, informal tone.
- Use emoticons or multiple exclamation marks (!!!) or question marks (???) to add extra excitement and feeling. You can also use capital letters for emphasis (How ARE you? GREAT news!!).
- Before signing off you can finish with closing phrases like Hope all's well! / Looking forward to seeing you! / Best of luck with ... !
- Sign off with Lots of love for close friends or family or Take care if you are not so close.
Hi Nancy,
How’s it going? It’s been a while since we graduated from high school. I heard you are studying at Fulbright University at present which is an excellent and prestigious school. I can’t tell you how much I’m admiring of the efforts you made to be elected to that college among those great students out there. I so happy for you ‘cause you are now a part of your dream university that you used to wish to be at a very long time ago :) I’m so curious about your life at that place. Is everything great? Are your peers and teachers nice? What major are you specialized in and which modules do you study?
As for me, I’m currently studying Marketing. It’s not so clear that I’m passionate about it, but I choose it because this field has a lot of niches in which maybe I could find my interest. I’m an introvert and people say Marketing would not be a good match for my type. But I won’t give up and don’t let those words drown me. I have a strong belief that I will figure out where I belong if I work hard enough. Even though it may be difficult at first, the successful outcome is worth the effort. It is the first step that counts, right? ;)
How about getting together someday? I’m reallyyyy looking forward to seeing you <3 Remember to write me back. Can’t wait for your mail :)
Hope life’s treating you well!
Lots of love,
It's undeniable that smartphone has paved the way for an efficient communication, For most of us email are often writen in formal setting. Nowadays Social Networking Site is commonly use. Typically I keep in touch with friends and family back home through fb messenger. I send them messages from time to time, When I feel homesick I make a call, seeing them just helps me get through tough times.
Connecting with people around the globe has been instantaneous, convenient and often free. We all owe it to fast growing technology.
Hi Michelle,
How's it going? It's been a while!!! I thought I'd drop you a line as I'm currently on a vacation alone.
As you know I rarely have time these days to keep in touch with anyone back home since I've been busy hovering around my daughter. She really keeps me on my toes, Well! Parenting is a bliss.
Anyway What have been up to? I heard from your mom just recently about this new job opportunity?!! Heard you got the Job!! ^_^ Horray It's call for a celebration! I'll be rooting for you. I'm happy for your success.
Actually I'll be going on a vacation in your hometown in a couple of months. I hope you are around when I'm there so we can meet.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Mostly via Whatsapp and Telegram and at times when I feel like a bit generous I will post a picture or two with some captions just to let all my Facebook friends know I am still alive and kicking.
How do you keep in touch with your friends?
I keep in touch with my friends through social networks where we also send messages by mail and calls.
Not seeing your friends is a part of adult life, I think. Unfortunately, I rarely meet my friends several last years. The main reason is they live aboard now due to covid we now see each other even rarely. And this is sad because I love them so much. It's necessary to be in touch with someone who cheers you up.
So what we only have now is social media and different messagers to make video calls.
Happily, I have a beautiful family to warm me up, to talk, play different games, walking and have fun.