
Do the exercises and learn the words for some common actions.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6


Language level

Average: 4.3 (151 votes)

Submitted by tryyourbest on Fri, 20/05/2022 - 09:52


How many of these actions can you do at the same time? What other actions do you do most days?
I would like to focus on the thing I do, so I usually do one thing at one time.
However, I usually listen English song when I do housework such as washing dishes, washing clothes and cleaning the house.

Submitted by Carol Castillo on Mon, 16/05/2022 - 03:08


I like read really i can read for hours, but the same time i can type a document and listen to music.

Submitted by badboyzz on Sat, 07/05/2022 - 11:43


At the same time I can eat , watch,listen and speak.But it might be bad for my health. I avoid to do many action at the same time. When I do action I want to feel it.

Submitted by J.Abarca on Sun, 17/04/2022 - 05:24


Hi everyone. Normally when I am reading also I find out of many funny things so in those cases I usually smile while I am reading. Also, when I am eating with other people, often we speak several topics, for example I do that with my family. Other actions that I usually do at the same time are cry and listen sad music when I am sad.

Submitted by nadyanightingale on Tue, 08/03/2022 - 11:27


At the same time I can eat, read, listen, smell and sometimes walk. But usually I avoid eating and doing some other activities because it might be unhealthy for my stomach.
I can type, speak, listen and smile.I also like dance, clean and cook.

Submitted by GloStar22 on Sat, 26/02/2022 - 19:07


I usually draw and listen to music. Also when I run listen to music. In other occasions I can need concentrate in one action for example to studie.

Submitted by jyoti Chaudhary on Mon, 24/01/2022 - 16:21


This is not possible for me to do multitask at the same time. I usually focus on one thing. Daily I read books, listen to podcasts, watching English movies with substitutes. And write daily notes after that I do this course. This course probably help me to speak well. Now, this is my 2month of practice in the English language. But I still do not speak and write properly. I hope I will do my best.

Submitted by Kamelbenslimane on Sun, 02/01/2022 - 13:02


I speak a lot, but I don't like to write

Submitted by Thein Htet Zaw on Wed, 29/12/2021 - 07:56


For me I usually do 2 action at the same time.Thoses are eating and drinking.Sometimes I do both of these 2 actions together. Not anymore other action to do for me.