
Do the exercises and learn the words for some common actions.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6


Language level

Average: 4.3 (151 votes)

I think i use to eat while speaking to family in dinner or listening to music while reading.
for the actions we are doing most of the time it depends where we are, means if we are in work place we use speak in phone, type in computer, listen to colleagues etc while in home we are just relaxing and watching TV

Submitted by khaled_bairi on Sat, 27/08/2022 - 22:20


really, I like this course it's amazing

Submitted by Nandar Su Hlaing on Mon, 22/08/2022 - 10:32


How many of these actions can you do at the same time? What other actions do you do most days?
I can speak while listening music or working. But I can't draw at all. When I am tired, I am easily sleepy while I am reading.

Submitted by Okitasaito on Thu, 18/08/2022 - 03:08


i listen to music while working

Submitted by Mr.Kenan on Mon, 08/08/2022 - 08:47


I drew a picture when I lıe on the sofa :)

Hallo everyone....
For me I like many things like reading, listening, writing, etc.
I like listening quran while I am listening I feel happy and confertable no l.
I urge everyone to listening quran , bleive me you will bee feel happy.....

Submitted by alaa.mourtada on Wed, 20/07/2022 - 18:47


How many of these actions can you do at the same time?
i listen to music in the same time when i study my lecture on my lab when i type a note, and i can smile if i listen to a word just touch my heart.

What other actions do you do most days?
i did all this action what i learned this vocab in my weekdays.

Submitted by AlanFab on Tue, 05/07/2022 - 02:09


I listen to music or a podcast when I'm working on the computer.

Submitted by lazzi on Wed, 01/06/2022 - 14:40


I can listen to music, eat something, speak alone, type my homework, look on screen at the same time. Other actions is dancing with music~~