A job interview

A job interview

Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Interviewer: Hello, Maria. Thanks for coming in for the interview.

Maria: It's my pleasure. Thanks for inviting me.

Interviewer: Well, as you know, the company has been expanding and we have an opening in our HR department. We're creating a new role for someone to lead our training and development within the company.

Maria: Yes, I very much think that my skills and experience are a good fit for what you're looking for.

Interviewer: That sounds great. So, your CV looks strong, though it would be good if you could give us an overview, in your own words, of what you've been doing over the past four years or so.

Maria: Well, in my first job, four years ago, I was working for a small HR services provider which offered HR services, including L&D, to corporate clients.

Interviewer: OK, so it was only B2B?

Maria: Yes, we only offered services to other companies, not B2C.

Interviewer: Right, and it says here you then left that company about three years ago.

Maria: Yes, that's right. I was looking for a little more stability and also to be part of a larger organisation. So I joined a company with around one hundred staff and a small HR team. As there are only a few of us, we each deal with a range of HR topics. In addition to payroll, one of the areas I was responsible for was learning and development.

Interviewer: I see. And, so why do you want to change jobs now?

Maria: Well, I very much like the L&D side of my role and I've always had particularly good feedback for my work in this area. I believe I excel in that field. So, I'm looking to specialise, and as your company has around 2,000 people, right …? 

Interviewer: Yes, that's right.

Maria: Well, an organisation of this size would give me the scope to specialise in L&D. I'm also a big follower of your brand and feel fully aligned with your image and values.

Interviewer: Well, that all sounds good. And I can see you have an L&D qualification.

Maria: Yes, I got a diploma two years ago. I am also currently working on a further diploma in psychology, with a specific focus on learning and performance management.

Interviewer: Very good. Well, it looks like you have the qualifications and experience we're looking for. What do you think will be the main challenges of coming to a much larger company?

Maria: I can see that it might be perceived as a weakness to not have experience in an organisation of this size, though I see that it could also be a benefit. I won't be bringing too many preconceived and possibly inflexible ideas with me to the role.  

Interviewer: Yes, that would be a good thing.

Maria: Also, I'm used to taking a very personal approach to employee development. I realise that such an approach with 2,000 staff members will have to happen in a different way, but I bring many ideas with me that can be replicated on a larger scale.

Interviewer: I see what you mean. Right, so, do you have any questions for me?

Maria: Um, I think we've covered many of the areas I had wanted to address. I have two quick questions though.

Interviewer: Go on.

Maria: Who would I mostly work with on a daily basis?

Interviewer: Well, there's the HR manager who you would report to. And then the HR team, which currently has six people in it. There's usually an intern or two who you can get some support from also.

Maria: OK. Thanks. That's all really clear. And my other question is how performance in this role will be measured. What does success look like?

Interviewer: That's a good question. As you know, we have a performance management system in place, and from that we have identified some learning and development needs within the organisation. But we haven't devised a strategy. Your role would be to devise and then successfully implement this strategy.

Maria: Thank you. That sounds interesting.  

Interviewer: Great. So, thanks again for coming in today. We'll be discussing all candidates next week and then I'll get back to you by the end of next week to let you know the outcome.

Maria: Thank you for your time. I'd welcome the opportunity to continue discussing this role with you.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Abu23 on Wed, 08/02/2023 - 16:23


I suggest when I will coming for interview to prepare topics firstly about our role, and also prepare previous role when i do in my life.

Profile picture for user ronaghi

Submitted by ronaghi on Thu, 29/12/2022 - 14:20


For listening practice, I suggest you listen to the audio files and read the transcripts simultaneously so as to better consolidate the arbitrary link between sound and sound.
Many thanks to my English teacher for recommending this site.

Profile picture for user vsanchez75

Submitted by vsanchez75 on Mon, 19/12/2022 - 13:23


Let me tell you about an experience in this topic:

Maybe 3 or 4 months ago I had a job´s interview and in the tech knowledge was good but in the english not, I felt upset because I though my english was good or enough to talk with another.

I know for a person who was born in a country wich the first language is not english it is difficult ( I am from Mexico if you want or need I can help you with the spanish) so I decided if I have another opportinity to get an interview I will be ready.
So, I have been trained my level of english. My advise is: If you detected what are your weakness you have to focused in these,practice, learning, etc.

Thanks for reading if you have any advise to improve my english, thanks.

Submitted by Pelucko on Fri, 16/12/2022 - 07:31


Personally, for a job interview, I would follow a preparation that takes three days to complete. If it's your first interview or you need the job position then be aware that you will certainly become nervous and anxious, that is why you should take at least three days to fully prepare. On the first day, I would create a skecth of the whole image and structure of the business I am applying to, what type of hierarchy are they using, the amount of staff, their economical history for the past years… After I have a clear image and cleared my doubts then focus on what you are willing to give to the business, in what aspects you think your presence will be useful, and how may you adapt to this new environment, but, never mention the bad aspects or criticize them too much, it is okay to suggest were may the business be weak but do not think yourselves as an expert and start creating a full plan for improving the business. For them, you are a rookie with no experience in the real world. The second is based on more relaxed studying and preparing your grammar and pronunciation. Don't forget to practice alone or with a friend at home o practice and improve with dynamic learning. And for the last day, it is just to revise, important, early in the morning to feel effective and help psychologically. The rest of the day relax and reflect on all you have studied, to finish if these days may follow a complete diet and sleep regularly

Submitted by Maríamolina13 on Thu, 15/12/2022 - 14:09


When I prepare for an interview I first look at common questions interviewers ask and try to create an answer for them, I never memorise the answers because that way the interviewer would notice, and that being mixed with being nervous would create a terrible outcome. I think that during interviews the most important thing is to be yourself and to show how you truly are obviously, with respect, because that is what they are searching for, they want to get to know you, not some other version of yourself. I also try not to think a lot about it the day before, that way I get less nervous and feel more comfortable during the interview.

Submitted by carlagarciaalf on Tue, 13/12/2022 - 12:27


How do you prepare for an interview?
First of all, as soon as I know when my interview is, I plan everything for the day to be ready. To go to talk with the managers and mains in human sources, I wear nice and office clothes.
Before the interview, I have already checked all of the business social media such as; internet, instagram, facebook, twitter,... to see how is the business developing and main focusing on. Also, I prepare some important questions that in some other interviews they have asked to me about my hobbies, personalities, why have I chosen that job,... and some of those topics to be completely ready and confident for the interview. Every moment, I have to look to the person I am talking to, paying enough attention as I am listening to he/she.
While I am talking and having the conversation with them, I have to listen and let them talk too. Of course, every time I have to be honest with the things and all the information I say about myself and my life. It has also many advantages saying your goals in life, so they can see I am positive, proactive, hard-worker and excited to join in their business. They will ask me for my CV, so in that case, it is relevant to have it done perfectly and updated in your life. Therefore, they will see all the things you have done in your life, experiences, hobbies, languages you speak, what are you able to do...
So, this is a brief summary of how I will prepare myself for an interview. I hope I could help you all with this comment.
Thank you very much,

Submitted by Thuy Ta on Thu, 08/12/2022 - 09:06


I don't really understand the sentence: "I'm used to taking a very personal approach to employee development".
Can anyone help?
Much appreciate!