A class forum

A class forum

Learn how to write a post on a class forum.

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Reading text

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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.

The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.

So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!


  1. It's nice to start by saying something that shows you have read other people's posts.
  2. In a class forum you can be quite informal.
  3. In informal writing you can sometimes miss out the beginning of a phrase:
    So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ...
  4. Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.


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Submitted by wisdom1979 on Thu, 30/03/2023 - 13:59


Hi everyone
So glad to read about your different cultures and various traditions
I would like to share you some information about our significant tradition in iran.
We celebrate the last Wednesday of the persian year that is called: chahar shanbeh souri
In ancient iran This has been the belief that fire is holy that not because they have worshiped it but because they knew it was the most important creature of god due to it lighting and also burning the badnesses.
By this reason the main base of celebration is the fire.it begins almost from Tuesday evening and lasts to midnight early Wednesday.people everywhere make a fire and jump over it dancing and saying folkloric poems while they have wear beauty dresses.
Music can be heared from all sides and bonfires light up the sky throughly.
Everyone is happy and drinks tea or gets the munchies.

Submitted by mahboobe89 on Sat, 25/03/2023 - 14:55


I'm from Iran and I'm living in Iran; I miss Wednesday celebrating( Chahar shanbe Soury) . traditionally Iranians in the last night of last Wednesday at winter make small fires and jump over those; dance and sing around. It's a sign that shows witer and clod are going away and warming and spring are coming and through this way they prepare for new year and "Norouz", ether fire has been holy for ancient Iranian generally. that can be a funny celebration, but these days it change into a real war. they use dangerous bombs and explosive stuffs that makes noises and bothering. there are children and young peoples lost their eyes or hands or died at this night. i miss for our real traditional days.

Submitted by sinara_sandri on Fri, 17/03/2023 - 08:40


Hi everyone. I'm glad to know so interesting stories. I'm from Brazil, but I've been living in Portugal since 2021. I miss a lot new year celebration, In Brazil is a summer party, we used to go to beach and it means the start for summer and school vacations. In Europe, it's winter and people usually celebrate in indoor parties. It's ok, but for me is so different.

Submitted by Mohammad KRIDLY on Sun, 05/03/2023 - 15:44


Traditional occasion
Every traditional occasion has an exceptional story that will amaze us, I’m from Syria but I’ve been living in turkey for 10 years and the thing that I miss in Syria going to the tree holiday, the history behind this holiday is there was a farmer who has a small island and he was so satisfied by looking after his island, after a while the city’s governor came to the country side and asked the farmer to sell his island because the government wanted to build a way there but the farmer refused selling the island.
The government went to the judgment and the judge decided to make the farmer selling his island Immediately.
The government had taken the island and began to cut the trees down, the farmer faced them and hanged a huge tree in the island, people were so effected by seeing that and they decided to support the farmer and faced the government with him, finally the government stopped building the way.
In the tree’s holiday all people go to forests and fields, celebrating under the trees all the day.

its intresting most of stories have a politic background! and your's was a most intresting stories i've readed!

Submitted by NataliaMM on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 22:48


Hello! It's really interesting to learn about others cultures and traditions. I'm brazilian and here the most famous traditional is the Carnaval. It's a big party when the people dress up in costumes and have fun in the streets. Also, we have a parade of the Samba School, and it is beautiful. The schools tell more about our histories and tradition through musics and dance, with a lot of glitter and glamour too haha.

Submitted by h_lotte1128 on Thu, 02/03/2023 - 19:13


Hi everyone! I’m from Hungary, and there are so many interesting traditions and customs here, including one of my favorites, the Busó Walking, at the end of February. As in many other countries, there’s a tradition in Hungary of warding off winter and waiting for spring, with many customs and beliefs attached to it.The Busó Walking is a folk tradition in Mohács. At this festival, people wear scary painted wooden masks and fur coats. According to the legend, the Sokac natives, fleeing from the Turkish conquerors into the marshlands, got enough of the Turkish oppression and, dressed in frightening blood-painted masks and fur coats, chased the Turks away from Mohács with their self-made noisemakers. In reality, the custom was probably brought to the area by the Sokac people of Balkan origin when they settled there and formed it into its present form. This celebration lasts for several days, the high point is the carnival on the last day, when a coffin is burned at dusk to bid farewell to winter, followed by a round dance.

Submitted by hnoemi on Thu, 02/03/2023 - 19:06


I really like to read other people’s favorite home traditions. I have been living in Hungary since I was born and I like Easter traditions the most.
Easter is celebrated at the beginning of April and several traditions are associated with it, but the best-known Hungarian tradition, which is my favorite, is sprinkling.
Sprinkling consists of boys and men visiting their female relatives and friends on Easter Monday and sprinkling them. This is mostly customary in villages, where men sprinkle women with a bucket of water, although nowadays it is customary to sprinkle them with perfume, both in towns and villages. Before the sprinkling, men recite funny, short poems. In return for the sprinkling, women give them chocolate, painted eggs and sometimes money. In some cases women invite them to the traditional Easter lunch, where they eat hard-boiled eggs, sweet bread and ham with a lot of vegetables.
There are some written records of the tradition in Hungary from the 17th century. The sprinkling symbolizes baptism.

It sounds quite fascinating and we've got similar festival that people sprinkle with water each other in Myanmar. It's called Water Festival here and it falls in April.

Submitted by galemilia11 on Thu, 02/03/2023 - 18:29


I'm from Hungary and there's a lot of tradition in our country. The tradition I like best from my country is "sprinkling". It's a typical Hungarian tradition. Sprinkling consists of sprinkling of girls and women with perfume, on Easter Monday. People used to sprinkle with water, but perfume is more popular nowadays. In return for the sprinkling boys and men get hand-painted or chocolate eggs or sometimes money. Women and girls also invite them to a lunch where the table is full with homemade dishes and cakes such as hard-boiled eggs, cooked ham and yellow cottage cheese. It's a tradition that we always do on Easter Mondays and it's very special and it's a tradition that cannot be abandoned in Hungary. When boys and men go to girls they often recite sprinkler poems to girls and women before sprinkling. There are written records of the tradition in Hungary as early as the 17th century and the sprinkling symbolizes baptism