Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Travel grant
Are you a first-year or second-year student at Central University? Would you like to learn a language this summer?
Central University offers funding of up to £800 each for five students to go overseas and study English, Spanish, French, German or Chinese.* You can use the grant to pay for accommodation, travel expenses and tuition fees.
For more information, email grants@central-university.ac.uk
*Courses must be full time in July or August and for a minimum of two weeks.
From: Merry Yi
To: grants@central-university.ac.uk
Subject: Summer travel grant
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing to express my interest in the summer travel grant that was advertised in this month's university magazine.
I am a second-year student and I am planning to study English in New York for three weeks in July. I would like to apply for the travel grant to help me with my expenses.
Could you please send me further details, including how to apply and when the application deadline is?
I look forward to hearing from you.
- If you don't know the person's name when writing a formal email, you can start it Dear Sir/Madam.
- Your email should have three short main paragraphs:
- What you are interested in
- Why you're interested
- Any questions you have.
- I look forward to hearing from you is a good way to close an email if you want a reply.
- Regards is a semi-formal, respectful way to end an email. It is common in professional emails too.
Where would you like to go to study a language?
I joined an institute to learn the English Language for my IELTS exam but unfortunately, I did not get all the required skills for IELTS preparation. After searching a lot of websites, I found the British Council website in which I learned a lot by their interactive learning environment. Now I am A2 level. I hope, I will complete all level then go for my IELTS test.
If I have the opportunity, I would like to go to the UK to study English.
Thanks for the lesson.
Great site!!
Recently, I've become interested in Chinese, so I would like to go to Beijing to study. I want to know more about the culture of this language and what Chinese people have done to make their country so powerful.
I like study in my home,because there is quiet and calm and I can concentrate.
I would like to study English in the UK because I'm in love with the British pronunciation, which I find truly beautiful. Additionally, if I were to start learning German, I would like to study it in Berlin, and perhaps in two other cities like Hamburg, Leipzig, or Munich to experience the differences.
I would like to study in the UK and visit beautiful places. And then I want to watch England Premier League at the same time which is one of my dreams of going overseas to study or job.
I'd like to study the language in UK. I want to study british pronunciation and I'd like to visit to London
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in the summer grant that I saw on the advertisement of the website. I am the first year student and I am planning to New York this summer for the full time English course. I would like to apply for the grant to help me for my expenses.
Would you please send me more information about how can I apply for the grant?
I look forward to hear from you.
Best regards
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing to express my interest in the summer travel grant that was advertised in facebook.
I am planning to go to New York City for two week in April.I would like to apply for the travel grant to help me with my expenses.
Could you please send me more information as how to apply and when the application deadline is?
I look forward to hearing from you.