Grammar lesson: Mindfulness – verbs of the senses

Watch a recording of our live event to support our learners studying grammar: Mindfulness – verbs of the senses and other useful language.


10 September 2024

What is the event about?

In this live lesson there will be an introduction to Mindfulness. Learn about verbs of the senses and other useful language. You can listen to a short explanation, participate in a quiz and practise using the language yourself.



Average: 5 (1 vote)

Submitted by User_1 on Thu, 12/09/2024 - 09:34


Hello Joanna,

Ok... Thanks for your message.

Kind regards

Submitted by User_1 on Tue, 10/09/2024 - 15:41


Hello Jo,
It is lovely to see you again and thanks a lot for your grammar lesson.
Here is my task. Could you please provide your feedback?


About the video

It all smells like autumn.
While the woman is walking through the forest, she can see the yellow leaves of the trees being blown by the breeze.
Step by step, she can feel the soft wind on her face.
Looking at the ground, she is paying attention to all the colors of that path: yellow leaves and green grass mixed together.
She focuses on all the details of one leaf, and it looks like a beautiful picture.
Listening to the birds chirping, he hears a strange noise like the creaking of an old door.
It sounds like she lives in a timeless reality.


Excuse me for asking, but I was hoping to receive your advice on an idea of mine.  
However, I cannot share it in the community section. Is there a way for me to do that?
Thanks for your help.


Hi User_1

Thanks for your comment, it's really good to know you enjoy and learn so much from Jo's grammar lessons and from using our website. 

I'm sorry to say that we don't have the resources in our small team to respond and give feedback to learners who do the tasks after watching the recordings of the videos here. If you attend the lesson live on Facebook, our moderators will respond to you there. I'm sure you'll understand that we're a very small team with limited time.

Best wishes Joanna, LearnEnglish team.