Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Before change, there must be analysis. Organisational change is a costly and difficult business, and there must be a real business need reason in order to change current practice. Typically, changes are attempts to reach new markets, to improve productivity or to cope with drastically reduced funding. A good analyst will identify the key problem.
Once it's clear what change is required, a change strategy has to be developed. In other words, somebody needs to say what should be done. Sometimes the idea will come from a visionary within the company, perhaps an imaginative and persuasive member of the management team. Otherwise, the company might bring in a consultant to help them find the right solution. Either way, management should also consult with staff at this stage. There should be meetings to help raise awareness for the need for change and to give employees a chance to suggest their own solutions.
Next comes what's probably the most problematic stage: implementation. Above all else, making the planned change a reality requires communication. Staff will need to be informed of new procedures and, where necessary, trained in new skills. The most important member of the change management team at this stage is the gatekeeper. It's their job to be available to staff, to help them deal with problems they may be having with the changes and answer any questions, making the change as painless as possible.
Finally, there's the consolidation stage. There needs to be a way to collect feedback from employees on how the change is being received. Because there will still be some resistance to the change, even at this stage, someone needs to act as a champion for the innovation. The champion gives encouragement and raises morale by congratulating everyone on a successful changeover and on what's been achieved.
I worked in a company where I have held the position of a process engineer and among the responsibilities that I was responsible of was analyzing, conducting and steering changes that are related to products and processes and being the gatekeeper in the planification and industrialization of those changes with cross-functional teams and making planned changes a reality with taking into consideration the quality of products and defined budgets
I worked in an engineering company that implemented new procedures and policies on how to efficiently set and moderate online meetings and keep them on track. The company brought in a consultant who conducted a thorough analysis to identify the key problem, then developed an effective change strategy to address it. This was highly beneficial for both the staff and the company, as meetings now run smoothly.
I have had a lot of changes in the company where I have worked for the last three years. I have to say that when changes come, they may represent abandon the comfort zone, however they always bring growth and may discover skills you did not know you had.
actually, i been working with a company for over than 11 years, then the change happened suddenly a new owner with a new management team .\\
at the begining it was not easy to cope with the new system but step by step we used for the new system but its took long time .
I used to work for a company, but then I switched to another one. At my old job, we used a system to do our work, but at my new job, we do everything on paper and file hundreds of papers. This takes a lot of time and money, but I made a plan to show the director.
Generally the company´s leaders establish the main objetives, give the guidance and procedures according to the previous studies with experts that analyzed possible risks about markets, consumers, competitors, our threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strongest and how all these issues affect the results of the company...we have to change to work better with government, new technology, innovation and learning how to create worth and value to all the stakeholders.
Changes are everywhere. Changes are permanently state for people. Some changes are small, some changes are big, some changes are good, some changes are bad... I really have felt changes after russian aggression. When my Ukraine, innocent people, children have been bombed by russia. I had to change the place of living for the sake of my child, to study a new language for me, to look for a new job. It's a really challenge to me and this process has not finished for me yet.
Hi Viitavi. You are clearly doing a great job learning English. You've written a great comment here with very good, appropriate word choice. 1 thing I would suggest to consider next: Before a noun, use the adjective form. So, "permanent state" instead of "permanently state" and "It's a real challenge" instead of "really challenge". Sometimes you write it perfectly, like when you say "innocent people" or "new language". Handy tip: We almost always create the ADVERB by adding -LY to the ADJECTIVE. Adjective+ly = adverb. However remember, it's adjective before noun.
You are doing an amazing job. Well done and have a lovely day.
Before Covid took over our lives, everything went on a cyclical routine however afterwards everything changes with new procedures implemented and technology introduced to ensure daily works are not badly affected and to a certain degree normality could still be felt. Due to these, I personally have benefited tremendously as I have to learn new ways of communicating which I have never done prior. This somehow boosts my self-esteem and makes me feel as if I am not far left behind although I realize I am somewhat much more backwards compared to the youngsters.
Around the covid 19 situation, the world of work has undergone great changes, from working at home and the use of many digital tools that have favored the approach to the digital world. I have not experienced changes directly at the work level, but the world today in general has become more assertive to the technological demands to communicate and cope with new economic and labor trends.