Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
I want to explain a few things about your essay.
First of all, the deadline. The deadline for this essay is October the 18th. Not the 19th, not the 28th, not two days later because your dog was ill or your computer broke – the 18th. If it's late, I won't mark it. I won't even read it – you'll fail the assignment! So, please hand it in on time. You can even hand it in early, if you like!
You can email me the essays at j.hartshorn@lmu.ac.uk. That's H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N. I'll reply to say I've got it. If I don't reply within a day, it might mean I didn't get it, so please email me again to make sure. You can also bring a paper copy of the essay to my office, but let's be kind to the trees, OK? Email is better for the trees and for me.
Don't forget that you must reference every idea or quote you use that isn't your own idea. And the last page of your essay should be a list of all the books you used, in alphabetical order, not in the order you used them!
And lastly, make it easy for me to read! That means use a clear font. Arial is best, but Times New Roman is fine too. Not Comic Sans please! Size 12 font for the essay, and size 14 for the titles and subheadings. And use page numbers. Any questions?
ı hearted proffesor, and ı understood onught. thank you for lesson
i need to reed more in english
When the teacher gives you an assigmment with a short dead line. You can't decid eto do it or not
The difficult thing is when you didn't study the partie of course and the teacher gives the partie.
The essay is very difficult when you I have a short time to finish a lot exams.
To be honest, essay assignments are very difficult for me, especially with a short deadline, when writing it in a book, if there is a mistake in one letter I have to repeat it from the beginning, because it must look neat, but if using a computer or laptop, it might be easier, and I don't like essay questions that have too many rules.
It sounds like you're feeling quite overwhelmed by essay assignments, especially with tight deadlines. Writing by hand can definitely add to the stress, especially if you want everything to look perfect. Using a computer can make things easier since you can easily edit and revise without starting over. It’s understandable to feel frustrated with essay questions that have many rules, as they can feel limiting. Finding a way to manage your time and reduce stress might help, like breaking the assignment into smaller tasks or practicing with fewer rules.
Hello everyone, I would like to give my opinion about essay writing.
In my opinion, writing an essay is one of the most difficult stages because we have to pay attention to details in accordance with the provisions given by the teacher/lecturer, such as in the audio above, the font and size used, the source of ideas, and the deadline given. If it is not appropriate then the essay we write will be considered wrong and can reduce the teacher/lecturer's assessment points.
I think writing an academic work or essay is so hard and needs so much attention because it's not in your language, in your mother tongue this is not so easy too but I have so much confidence making it. But in other languages, I feel unsure.
What do you find difficult about writing essays?
I think vocabulary and express. Because if you want to write essay good, you have to know more phrases about topıc you write. And also grammer is diffucult to make sentences correctly. And it should be clear for the message you want to say. And you have to more informations. However wheather you know the enough informations, its so diffucult to collect all it.
And I have a question Learnenglishteam. All of us learning English here but when I read the cooments I see they write perfect and it seems their level is very good, not A2. How is this? Maybe they share after correcting? Or only I'm bad at this :/
Hello hatice2,
Thanks for your comment. It's certainly possible that people who have shared their essays were writing at a higher level than A2. We don't really take into consideration whether comments are at the right level for the page or not -- we're happy to get any appropriate comments!
Your comment is fine and probably the comments from others that you've read are not as perfect as you think! It's easy to see what others have done as better. In any case, we don't correct our users' comments, so please don't assume that everything you read in the comments is 100% correct. You can still learn a lot from them, though!
Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team