Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Chemist: Hello, can I help?
Customer: Yes, my wife sent me here. I, erm, need something for a sore throat … and I can't stop coughing. It really hurts.
Chemist: Do you have a headache too?
Customer: Not really, no.
Chemist: Well, we have this syrup. And these lozenges.
Customer: Which is better?
Chemist: They're both good. The syrup is more expensive.
Customer: Oh, well … I'll take the lozenges, then. How many do I take?
Chemist: Just one.
Customer: Sorry, I'm sorry. Er, how often should I take it?
Chemist: Just one every four to six hours. Take it before mealtimes. Are you allergic to any medicine?
Customer: No.
Chemist: Then you'll be fine with this.
Customer: Can I get some antibiotics too?
Chemist: I'm afraid you need a prescription for that.
Customer: Ah.
Chemist: You know, you should really see a doctor if that cough continues.
Customer: Thanks. I know.
Chemist: Anything else?
Customer: No, thanks.
Chemist: That'll be £7.49 then, please.
I typically, catch cold in winter, along with sore throat, headache, and constant cough.I treated that with warm mint tea mixed with a teaspoon of honey, drink hot milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric, and take lozenges if it necessary.
Hello, I'm David Greyheart or maybe in real life you know me as Gede Anggara yukta.
Have you ever had a sore throat? If so, do you prefer medicine in the form of syrup or lozenges?
A sore throat, especially when accompanied by a cough, can be really annoying and painful. Every time you cough, it feels like your throat and chest are being stabbed. Swallowing food or drinks becomes uncomfortable and unpleasant. Personally, I usually use syrup medicine like "Komix OBH" to soothe my throat until it heals on its own. As for lozenges, I’ve tried them too. They usually have a minty taste that refreshes the throat.
Here’s a little advice: if you have a sore throat, take medicine as soon as possible. It’s incredibly annoying, especially since it stops you from eating, drinking, or talking comfortably. Don’t let it ruin your day guys!
I usually only get a cough and/or cold once a year. When I was young if I had a cough or a cold I would go running in the park, really, and everything would go away, I don't know why.
Now I don't do anything in particular but simply wait for it to pass.
Usually I catch cold twice in a year . When I catch cold I act according to situation . İf I feel very bad I go to hospital . Otherwise my ilness may increase more and more . İf I don't feel very bad my mother help me and she give me syrup . İf it neceserry to recommmend I can say that you should do gym and eating healthy .
Yes, I do. Sometime I use the medicines like a herbal syrup and Panadol for a headache. The honey is good for soothing your throat, a lemon juice for supply your immunity and a warm ginger drink is good.
I get a cold or a cough when the winter comes in, so I take a lozenges (Panadol ,ibuprofen) and drink a lemon with honey and ginger.
I don't even remember the last time I had cold, but when I do, my mother always helps by giving me some medicine, She's experienced with that and knows what works best
Not so often. Perhaps once per winter time or autumn. I take lozenges, some powders for cold, tea with honey for my sore throat and bed confinement.