Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number one, received today at 3.45 p.m.
Hi, it's me. How's it going? I guess you're at work and you don't have your phone on, right? First of all, thank you, THANK YOU for the birthday card and message. I received it this morning. That's so nice of you. I'm organising a little party for my birthday. It's nothing very big – only a few of my best and closest friends. That means you too! We're going to have it at my cousin's house. She lives in the countryside in a nice big house with a swimming pool. I'd love to see you there. It's going to be this Friday. I'll send you the instructions on how to get there later, OK?
Anyway, have fun at work. Don't work too hard, OK? Talk soon.
Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number two, received today at 5.15 p.m.
Aw, you're still not answering your phone! OK, here are the instructions to get to my cousin's house for the party. Are you going to take your car? If you take the car, drive straight on Forest Road until you get to the motorway. Drive past Brownsville and take exit 13A. That's 13A. You drive down the road there and turn left. It's the first big house on the right. OK? If you're taking a bus, you can get the number 80 to Brownsville. Call me when you get there and somebody can pick you up in a car. I can't wait. This is going to be so great!
It's not easy to get lost in my town, but I have given directions to a visitor before.
This is a friendly and inviting message
Is it easy to get lost in your town? Have you ever given directions to a visitor?
I think it’s easy to get lost in a town you don’t know, especially if you don’t have your phone with you. However, in my city, there are lots of people around, so it’s easy to ask someone for directions.
Nowadays, with apps like Google Maps, Waze, or Citymapper—apps we can’t live without—it’s much easier to find your way without getting lost.
For example, when I visit the Palace of Versailles (in France), many tourists often ask for directions. I’ve had the opportunity to help some of them by pointing out different areas of interest.
I do not get lost in my town, because I use Google cards. I have given direction to various of people, who have visited my town.
It is easy to get lost in my town because It is very big and there are many neighbordhood. I somethimes give directions to a visitor to get my home.
To get my home, If your are at centertown, you can get a bus number 616 to Abatta. If you arrive at the bus terminus, turn around and come straight the road until the second crossroad and turn right. Then walk until the third crossroad and take the first exit. My house is near the fish seller.
If you take a car, go down at nouveau goudron and take a taxi to Abatta Village. If you arrive at the taxi terminus, turn around and come straight the road until the first crossroad and turn right. Then walk until the third crossroad and take the first exit. My house is near the fish seller.
I often visit various big cities abroad by car. And I have never got lost because I used the Google navigator.
Good good that's awesome, you're good man
If you came for first time to my village maybe you get lost. But currently it is usually that people use their mobile phone to find a place.
In my case I've helped many times to people when they've asked me. I have no problem with that 'cause I know very well my village.
If you want come to my place I also welcome ;)
I really like being at a very lively party or event, such as a birthday party for my closest friends or family or even my own birthday party, it all gives me happiness because everyone seems to be gathered together and having fun at the party. , such as when blowing out the candles and enjoying the dishes served at the party, and don't forget the interesting and exciting quizzes.
Honestly, I'm the kind of person who's shy about talking to others when I get lost in a big city. But thanks to Google, you've developed a tool like Google Maps, which is incredibly helpful for people like me."