A digital detox podcast

A digital detox podcast

Listen to the podcast about doing a digital detox to practise and improve your listening skills.

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Presenter: So, we're back in the studio. Welcome back, everyone. My name's Rick Walker. From our laptops to our televisions, from the displays on our smartphones to those on our satnavs, we are in front of screens all the time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to disconnect completely? To choose not to have access to the internet? If you have, you may be in need of a digital detox – a total switch-off from all things digital. The idea of people taking a digital detox is becoming more and more popular, especially amongst young people – and today we're joined by someone who's tried a number of digital detox activities and is here to give us some advice about it. Amanda Vince, welcome to the studio.

Amanda: Thank you very much.

Presenter: So, Amanda, you work for a fashion magazine in London, right? I guess your work means you need to be online a lot.

Amanda: Oh, yes. Apart from the hundreds of emails I get every day, I'm always browsing fashion websites, as well as online videos. I also need to be very active online, especially on Twitter and Instagram – sharing what we're doing in the magazine, interacting with designers, photographers, influencers … it never stops, literally. Then of course there's my friends and family to keep in touch with online too, and for me, my work grew out of my passion, so friends and work colleagues aren't two totally separate groups of people and it all gets a bit messy online sometimes. I think I'm online for at least 12 hours a day.

Presenter: So, how did you get the idea for a digital detox?

Amanda: I read a book about it, called Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting. The author's name is Blake Snow. That book gave me some really good advice and made me think about trying to change some of my digital habits. I started with removing distraction.

Presenter: What do you mean by that?

Amanda: That means turning off alerts, buzzes, alarms or notifications of any kind. I had notifications set up for everything, and it meant I was always being forced to look at my phone. Removing all of them except for important contacts helped me focus immediately. The book also made a really good point, that we should ask ourselves 'Why?' every time we take out our phone. I realised that most of the times I looked at my phone were because I was trying to avoid or ignore something else happening right in front of me. It was an automatic habit.

Presenter: I have to confess, that happens to me too. But what else are you going to do when you're standing in line at the bank or waiting for your train?

Amanda: OK, yes, I'm the first to admit that it's great for helping time go by. But speaking personally, I found I wasn't just checking my phone to kill time when I was alone. I was also doing it with friends or family around.

Presenter: Hmmm … right. Well, so far, this doesn't sound too drastic. Turning off notifications and becoming aware of when we use our devices. That sounds easy.

Amanda: Yes, it's the first step. Once we begin to realise just how much of a grip our devices have on us, then we're ready to really take the next step. First, my partner and I did a weekend with absolutely no screens. She found it easier than I did. For me, it was a little bit scary at first but it turned out to be a pretty rewarding experience.

Presenter: A whole weekend, huh? I don't know if I could ...

Amanda: I think everyone has to do this at their own pace. If a weekend feels too much, maybe just try for an evening. Then work your way up to more. I guarantee, once you've tried it, you'll want to try it again. We're going to try for a whole week in the summer.

Presenter: OK, let's pause there then and see what our listeners have to say. You can call us here directly, or send us a message on any of our social media channels ... oops, should I be saying that? Anyway, more after the break. 

Task 1

Task 2


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Average: 4.2 (91 votes)

Submitted by Manu021 on Tue, 11/03/2025 - 14:36


I believe that it is important to do digital detox especially because today the use of these devices is becoming too intrusive for ourselves. I've deleted the instagram app a few months ago and  I felt better immediately; yes, sometimes I feel as if were out of the world, but the benefits are too much to come back again.

Profile picture for user Dialome

Submitted by Dialome on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 23:54


I would really like to do a digital detox, I need it. Lately, I'm wasting too much time on social media and poisoning my mind with a lot of negative news, so I think a digital detox could help me to do more productive things for life and have better thoughts.

Submitted by David Ushi on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 14:01


Digital detox, what an interesting method. Despite I'm a programmer, wish I could try in one day in the future.

Submitted by Glittery on Sun, 02/03/2025 - 14:49


I actually tried a digital detox, especially when I'm learning something, practicing, or spending time with loved once. It helped me stay more present and focused, I would like to try by disconnecting for maybe few days. 

Submitted by estifaa on Mon, 24/02/2025 - 23:42


I'm considering a digital detox with the hopes of positively influencing my mood. However, it can be quite challenging for someone like me who uses electronic devices for work, study, and to connect with family and friends. Perhaps, instead of doing a weekend digital detox, I would go for shorter periods of device-free times throughout the week, such as during meals where I will read a book, or for an hour before bed. This would be my way to reduce the risk of feeling isolated, especially with my current solo living situation

Submitted by Enola_Soe on Fri, 14/02/2025 - 11:51


I would like to try something new. Yes, I will love to try a digital detox. I think it is not only good for our health but also good for our inner peace. Even though I don't spent that much time on social media, I have to spent at least 2 or 3 hours just to studied. So, I think perhaps just one evening or one afternoon with a digital detox might give me some times to relax.


Submitted by pale-. on Wed, 12/02/2025 - 18:42

I believe that is important the digital detox, because almost of people are addict to mobile,spend and waste hours in front a screen. Of my point view is crucial have a balance, we can use a mobile when is necessary and trying to be productive ,instead waste our time. I love do it the detox specially when i am on holiday, it's happen often that i leave my mobile home and enjoy people around me.

Submitted by Glittery on Mon, 10/02/2025 - 17:06


For me, I think a digital detox would be a good idea. I'd like to try it because being constantly connected can be overwhelming. taking a break would help me refocus, think more clearly, and be more present in the moment. it might be challenging at first, but I believe it's important for mental health. If I were to do it, I'd start with a few hours a day, especially at night I need to disconnect and take a rest, that's the time when your body and mind need to recover. A digital detox would be a great way to disconnect and enjoy real life experiences more



Profile picture for user Mahmoud_Qassem

Submitted by Mahmoud_Qassem on Mon, 10/02/2025 - 06:58


I actually tried the digital detox more than once and my attempts have failed. That was due to my study and work nature, as I am a software engineer and have to spend more than 12 hours a day on my laptop and phone reading, writing, and contacting people.

Submitted by VANISHA on Sat, 01/02/2025 - 19:36


Digital detox is really important for the people whose job requires a penty of screen related work. It is quite difficult to restrict yourslf. However, It has numerous benefits for my mental and physical health. Futhermore, it helps us to make the strong ties with your closed one's.