Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.
Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say!
Do you know what to say when you want to show interest? Listen out for useful language for showing interest. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.
Noelia: Morning, Bob.
Bob: Oh, good morning.
Noelia: It's so rainy today. The weather in this country is horrible!
Bob: Yes … yes … The weather was even worse when I lived in Canada.
Noelia: Oh, I didn't know that you lived in Canada, Bob. How cool!
Bob: One winter it was so cold and windy that I fell on the ice and broke my leg in three places.
Noelia: Oh no! You're joking!
Bob: I wish I was, Noelia, I wish I was. I was never the same after that winter. And my leg is still bad today.
Noelia: Really? I'm sorry to hear that. Poor you.
Bob: But it's not all bad. I met my wife in the hospital. She was the doctor who looked at my leg!
Noelia: No way!
Bob: It was love at first sight!
Noelia: Ah, that's brilliant!
Bob: Yes, and we're still in love 40 years later …
Noelia: So in the end, breaking your leg was the best thing that could have happened.
Bob: Yes, I suppose it was!
Ana: Hello again! Aww, I love a story with a happy ending! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for showing interest? Listen to me and then repeat.
Oh, I didn't know that you lived in Canada!
How cool!
Oh no, poor you.
You're joking!
I'm sorry to hear that.
No way!
That's brilliant!
Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to show interest in English. Bye for now!
I have never broken either leg or arm, but i got leg burns when I was a child. I still have it nowadays.
Yes. I broke my leg when I was a child more precisely at the age of 8 years. It was afraid and horrible. When I tried to remember that moment I felt it was very hurt and painful. The accident happened when I was playing football in my countryside and I fell on the field due to my friend wanted to take the ball from me. but today I am very good and already started a new life again.
When I was a student of junior school, I broke my ankle in one day morning when I was going to school.
When I was young, I broke my hand two times, because i fall from bike
I'm sorry to hear that. And how about your hand now? Is it OK or still bad?
Have you ever broken an arm or a leg?
Yes. When I was Seven years old, I broke my my left hand when I climb and hanging on the stick on the tree and fell down and I broke my hand and that was very painful.
Yes, I broke my leg and arm when I was a child, it was great, I had a lot of fun and did a lot of sports, that's why I broke it, because I risked myself on adventures that I loved to do, today I feel super good about everything I live and that I lived. And when I broke it, I also had great lessons.
Yes, I broke my leg in a car accident about 8 years ago. The driver hit me while I was crossing the street.
I broke my leg when i was hurry at work. My bus didn't arrive and i was afraid to late at work. I ran when i twist my ankle and i can't go away. My husband dropped off me to hospital and turned out that my leh is broken. I had my leg in cast and i took many painkillers.
When I was child, I had a head injury. When I ran out side with my friends play hide and seek. The neighbor stuck his foot out to make us fall.