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Stephen and Ashlie arrive at Bestival on the Isle of Wight and have a look around.

WOTS: Bestival
festivals and celebrations
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 5 (2 votes)

Rob talks about verb patterns and explains how some verbs are used together.

WOTS: Bestival
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
No votes yet

Ashlie and Stephen spend the day at the festival and Stephen meets a travelling theatre group.

WOTS: Bestival
festivals and celebrations
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Rob talks about the different ways we use the verb need.

WOTS: Bestival
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
No votes yet

Carmen visits the National Motor Museum and talks to an expert about the rise and decline of the Classic British car.

WOTS: Bestival
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Stephen and Ashlie visit Chinatown to look for some cooking tips.

WOTS: Big Meal
food and drink
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 4.3 (6 votes)

Rob talks about being polite in English and how to use the common word stuff.

WOTS: Big Meal
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 4 (3 votes)

Stephen works hard to make sure everything is perfect for Ashlie's birthday meal.

WOTS: Big Meal
special days
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Rob talks to Ashlie about a range of uses of the verb get.

WOTS: Big Meal
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Carmen looks at the different food that people in Britain enjoy eating and talks about how food in Britain comes from all over the world.

WOTS: Big Meal
food and drink
Language level
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper intermediate
Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

Ashlie and Stephen are in Scotland, visiting Loch Ness. Stephen wants to see the monster, but Ashlie doesn't believe it exists.

WOTS: Loch Ness
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 5 (3 votes)

Rob talks about using past and present verb forms with 'if', in what we call 'conditional sentences'.

WOTS: Loch Ness
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 5 (2 votes)