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Learn about the determiners which and what in questions and do some exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
B1 Intermediate
Average: 3.4 (23 votes)

Determiners and quantifiers are words we use in front of nouns. We use determiners to identify things (this book, my sister) and we use quantifiers to say how much or how many (a few people, a lot of problems).

English grammar reference
B1 Intermediate
Average: 4 (103 votes)

In this episode Tess is upset about losing her cat and Ravi offers support. Their guests talk about chocolate and ways of wasting time. You can also follow Carolina as she tries some British home cooking. Will she like it?

Podcasts series 2
Language level
B1 Intermediate
Average: 4.7 (12 votes)

Learn about the names of people, places and organisations and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.5 (10 votes)

Learn about some common count and uncount nouns that people find confusing, and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

Learn about uncount nouns (or uncountable nouns) and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.3 (19 votes)

Learn about count nouns (or countable nouns) and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.2 (27 votes)

Nouns are words that give a name to people, places or things, though they can also refer to ideas and other abstract objects. 

English grammar reference
Average: 4 (98 votes)

Learn about the basic parts of verbs and verb phrases and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.5 (43 votes)

Learn how to use different kinds of reporting verbs, and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 4 (6 votes)

Learn about time adverbials like at seven o'clock, in 1998, last Saturday and in five minutes and do the exercises to practise using them.

English grammar reference
Average: 3.9 (28 votes)

Learn how to talk about how long something happens for, and do the exercises to practise it.

English grammar reference
Average: 4.3 (7 votes)