Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Customer 1: Can I have an orange juice, please?
Server: Regular or large?
Customer 1: How big is a large?
Server: This is a large. This is a regular.
Customer 1: I'll have a large, then, please. Without ice.
Server: OK, coming up.
Customer 1: Sorry, I wanted freshly squeezed orange juice.
Server: I'm afraid we only have bottled juices.
Customer 1: Oh, then I'll have an apple juice instead, please.
Server: Here you go. That's £3.50, please.
Customer: Thanks.
Server: Thank you.
Server: Can I help anyone?
Customer 2: Who's next?
Customer 3: You were first, I think.
Customer 2: What teas do you have?
Server: Breakfast tea, mint and green tea.
Customer 2: A mint tea and a slice of lemon cake, please.
Server: To eat in or take away?
Customer 2: Take away, please.
Server: There you go. That'll be £4.20, please.
Customer 2: Sorry, I've only got a fifty.
Server: That's OK. Here's your change … 5, 10, 30, 50.
Server: Who's next?
Customer 4: Can I have a ...
Customer 3: Sorry, I think I was in front of you.
Customer 4: Oh, sorry!
Customer 3: Can I have a chocolate chip cookie, please?
Server: Would you like a drink with that?
Customer 3: No, thanks. Just the cookie.
Server: OK, then. That's 95p, please.
Customer 3: Thanks. I think that's right.
Server: 50, 70, 80, 85, 90, 92, 94, yep, 95. Thank you.
Hello fahri,
The conventional form is I'll have... when ordering something like this. People would understand choose but it would not be the normal form and would sound rather strange.
Give me is very direct and would sound rude in the context of a shop or a restaurant. You could say something like this if you were talking to a very close friend, for example, but even then Could you give... or Can you give... would be more common.
The LearnEnglish Team
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