An invitation to a party

An invitation to a party

Listen to some phone messages with directions to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number one, received today at 3.45 p.m.

Hi, it's me. How's it going? I guess you're at work and you don't have your phone on, right? First of all, thank you, THANK YOU for the birthday card and message. I received it this morning. That's so nice of you. I'm organising a little party for my birthday. It's nothing very big – only a few of my best and closest friends. That means you too! We're going to have it at my cousin's house. She lives in the countryside in a nice big house with a swimming pool. I'd love to see you there. It's going to be this Friday. I'll send you the instructions on how to get there later, OK? 

Anyway, have fun at work. Don't work too hard, OK? Talk soon.

Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number two, received today at 5.15 p.m.

Aw, you're still not answering your phone! OK, here are the instructions to get to my cousin's house for the party. Are you going to take your car? If you take the car, drive straight on Forest Road until you get to the motorway. Drive past Brownsville and take exit 13A. That's 13A. You drive down the road there and turn left. It's the first big house on the right. OK? If you're taking a bus, you can get the number 80 to Brownsville. Call me when you get there and somebody can pick you up in a car. I can't wait. This is going to be so great!

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet121.79 KB

Language level

Average: 4.3 (218 votes)
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Profile picture for user bero414

Submitted by bero414 on Tue, 27/08/2024 - 07:38


No, I didn't get loose in my city , because now we have GPS for all locations. so it's easy to go anywhere.

Profile picture for user amanda_diaspaim

Submitted by amanda_diaspaim on Mon, 19/08/2024 - 21:57


Hello! How do I download the audios? The way you explained in another comment didn't work. I also tried the settings button, but it only changes the speed of the audio. 

Hello amanda_diaspaim,

You need to right-click on the player itself and choose 'Save audio as...' from the drop-down list. It's a browser function rather than a page function, just as you can right-click a word on another part of the page and choose to copy it to the clipboard. I've checked the functionality and it is working correctly. Note that you may need to do this on a laptop or desktop computer - it may not work on a mobile device, depending on your device, of course.



The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user Arthine

Submitted by Arthine on Wed, 14/08/2024 - 15:53


I have lived in the same city in Vietnam sice I was born 17 years ago . But I'm actually a poor sense of direction person . Even though I have gone to the same place many times , i still can't remember the directions, that is the reason why i always accompany with someone when I go outside .   So embarresed to say , but if visitors asked me for the direction,  they would be on the news because of missing . . But now I think all of us have a smart phone and we can use Gg map though it to find direction for somewhere. ( i'm new here , I will be very happy if there is someone corrects the grammar in my comment, pls check it for me if you can, thanks a lot)

Hello Arthine,

Thank you for your comment! We read every comment on the site before we publish them but I'm afraid it's not possible for us to correct them or check the language. We provide as much help as we can but we are a small team here and we get hundreds of comments every week, so we have to limit what we do to answers to specific questions about the language.

Thanks again,



The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user zino

Submitted by zino on Sat, 10/08/2024 - 18:32

  • I live in a big city; however, I haven't had any problems, and I can't get lost.
  • Many times, I give directions to visitors who don't know my city.

Submitted by shakilwillbe on Tue, 25/06/2024 - 04:12


Yeah, mine is a vast and busy city in Bangladesh. Visitors sometimes get lost as the locals sometimes forget the path. Yeah, I helped many visitors to find their way, but those were not a long-term conversations for example visitors asked where is the hospital. Then I said Go straight then you will find the main road then turn left to see the hospital. these type of conversations happens many times.

Submitted by uzmrincredible on Thu, 30/05/2024 - 09:03


Hi! Can I download this audios?

Hi uzmrincredible,

If you right-click on the play button (the little triangle like this ►) then you should see an option to save the audio.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by ubaid332 on Wed, 15/05/2024 - 07:08


I am living in a big city and every person who visits for the first time in this city may lose their place due to similar roads and streets. Thanks to Google Maps, with the help of this many people can find their places easily. It show the place path along with other detail like distance, time, and many more.