Talking about personal interests

In this video, Emir asks Paul about his hobbies. Listen to the language they use for talking about personal interests and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say

Do you know what to say when you talk about your personal interests? Listen out for useful language for talking about personal interests. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.


Emir: Hi, Paul. I made you a cup of tea. Just how you like it, milk and two sugars.

Paul: Oh, thanks, Emir.

Emir: You're welcome. So what do you do when you're not working?

Paul: Oh, umm, not much. I'm always really tired in the evenings and at weekends.

Emir: Haven't you got any hobbies?

Paul: Well, I've recently started doing meditation.

Emir: I didn't know you did meditation. I do too!

Paul: Oh, right. So, um, how often do you practise? 

Emir: Most mornings usually, but if it's really busy, then sometimes it's hard to find time. 

Paul: Yeah, I know what you mean. I normally meditate once or twice a week. I never have enough time to do it more than that.

Emir: What are you doing now?

Paul: Nothing much, just drinking my tea … 


Ana: Hello again! Now that's something you don't see in the office every day! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about your personal interests? Listen to me and then repeat.


What do you do when you're not working?

I didn't know you did meditation.

I do too!

How often do you practise?

Most mornings, usually.

Sometimes it's hard to find time.

I normally meditate once or twice a week.

I never have enough time.


Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about your personal interests in English. Bye for now! 


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Submitted by Phan Bao Dung on Tue, 21/07/2020 - 18:55

When I have spare time, I usually read my favorite books, listen to music, and study English. It's so relaxing.

Submitted by Asni on Sat, 18/07/2020 - 12:48

I'm currently not working. With the baby, I'm busy most of the time, though. When I find some spare time, either I go to the fitness gym or I study English.
Me too. And when my baby goes to bed, I usually read my favorite books, listen to music and study English. It's relaxing.

Submitted by thihazaw on Sat, 18/07/2020 - 10:27

When I'm not working I've recently started talking with my family

Submitted by Suellen Esteves on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 21:35

When I'm not working, I like to read, watch a movie and learn English

Submitted by abudo93 on Sat, 04/07/2020 - 19:05

When I'm not working I talk to my best friends, Mustafa, Hussein,Tawfiq, Tariq and Mohammad or research to something to do as writing an article and browse facebook app.

Submitted by Mohamed Fawzy on Mon, 29/06/2020 - 00:54

Love it, and I started to feel like it's a series!! Great job, Thank you guys!! :)