Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Lucy: Hi, Anna. Do you have a minute to talk about the meeting next Tuesday?
Anna: Sure. We said 11, didn't we?
Lucy: Yeah, we did. But I have a bit of a problem with the time. Would it be possible to move it?
Anna: Oh, I see. We could postpone it to the afternoon, to 1 p.m., for example. Or bring it forward to earlier in the morning. What would suit you?
Lucy: Could we make it 9 o'clock? That would really help me. I have another important meeting in the central office at 12.
Anna: No problem. It's important you're there.
Lucy: Thanks a lot, Anna.
Anna: Do you need help with any preparation? Did you get the agenda I sent out?
Lucy: Yes, I did. And no, that's all fine, thanks. My report is ready and I'm looking forward to presenting it.
Anna: Great.
Lucy: I can tell Sven about the time change. I'll see him later.
Anna: Don't worry about telling Sven. I'll send an email to everyone to confirm the time has changed and with an updated meeting invite.
Lucy: Great. Thanks, Anna.
Anna: OK. I'm happy that works for you. We really need you there and it's good we don't have to cancel it.
Lucy: See you then. Have a good weekend in the meantime.
Anna: You too.
Usually I have two meeting a weekends anytime after the work
Every day I have meetings with my coworker and clients I am software engineer
My meetings are with microsoft teams app, 'cause I work in home office
My leader usually sets up our meetings. We have meetings every morning. Hours of these meetings are until from 10 am to 11 am. Actually, we follow the meetings from an calendar. I mean, we previously know the meetings dates. Therefore, If I have a personel work, I have to report to my leader about my personel work before a few days.
I have no meeting with any one now.
The type of meetings that I have to go is work meetings . I usually arrange them by checking the agenda to know if the time or date would suit me ., for example I may have a bit of a problem with the the time, then it would be better to ask the manager if it would be possible to bring it forward to an earlier time or postpone it to a later time.I also check the agenda to find out the topics that will be discussed and if I need to prepare something like a report to present or a presentation to give.
very well
I don't work right now.
I have a meeting with my manager in new work. I hope it will be a fruitful meeting
lhave a meeting in evening Tuesday.it is about a new job l ,ll work by it