A team meeting about diversity

A team meeting about diversity

Listen to a team meeting about diversity to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Nina: As you know, our team has grown a lot in the past year and we feel we need to address the diversity in the team.

Brenda: How do you mean, 'address the diversity'?

Nina: Well, we all know that diversity in teams is a good thing, but it can also be a challenge for some people to respect and value people's differences. We've got a really diverse team here – people of different nationalities, backgrounds, religions, ages … and sometimes I don't feel we make the most of this.

Stefano: Yes, and even if it isn't specifically challenging, many people are simply unaware of the isolation that some team members may feel because they are different.

Brenda: So, what does this mean? What are we going to do?

Nina: Well, we need to create a workplace charter. You know, one that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.

Brenda: That sounds like a good idea. But will people just see it as something the management team has created? Maybe they won't even pay attention to it.

Nina: I know. That's why we're going to involve everyone in creating it.

Stefano: That's a good idea. We could run some workshops and get ideas from the employees about how we can create a more inclusive workplace.

Nina: Exactly. I was thinking that before that we could run some team-building sessions so they can experience the value of diversity for themselves.

Brenda: Yes, I like that. Many people see diversity as something negative, often because there are different opinions or ways of doing things.

Nina: Yes, I know, but if there's no diversity, then the risk is that we all work in the same way, think the same and see the world the same. This makes it hard to be creative and to innovate.

Stefano: I completely agree, Nina. OK. So, what do you want us to do?

Nina: Stefano, can you look for a successful trainer who specialises in running workshops and team-building sessions on diversity and inclusion?

Stefano: Sure. I'll be happy to.

Nina: And Brenda, can you find a fun venue? Somewhere that is quite diverse itself. Something that's not the usual seminar-style environment?

Brenda: Sure. That'll be fun.

Nina: And I'm going to do some further research into how other organisations are benefiting from their diversity. I can share this with the whole team.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by RENACHAN on Tue, 01/08/2023 - 08:51


I believe in diversity in many obvious ways. Just look for Dubie; it's one of the most developed cities in the world and one of the most diverse. You can see that there is a lot of culture and people from all around the world. Even though diversity in the team may cause some problems with different opinions and thinking, the earth won't even improve without everyone's creation. That's why God created us differently.

Profile picture for user noura-elkhwanky

Submitted by noura-elkhwanky on Wed, 26/07/2023 - 15:02


In my opinion I believe in diversity in everything around us meet deffirint people lead us know divirses things about their backgrounds and their cities i think that useful.

Submitted by Sihem2022 on Sun, 23/07/2023 - 19:29


in the past i worked for companies where diversity doesn't exist so the workers have no creation and the company does't grow today i live in canada and i can see the diversity in the citizens and immigrants everywhere and that what makes it a developed country

Submitted by rhoda16 on Fri, 21/07/2023 - 07:06


Most of the companies that I had work doesn't have diversity.

Submitted by drey2005 on Wed, 12/07/2023 - 17:30


I think the big corporations not value the diversity because they are capitalists and have the monopoly of the ideology. Also diversity includes black, woman and LGBTQ+ people, which suffer prejudice in the society.

Submitted by SuHn on Sun, 09/07/2023 - 01:57


my workplace is my class at high school. it is clear to see the diversity in classmates opinions. their personalities and the way they do things. I believe diversity is really good for my class and it appears in our projects. you can see the creativity in our work. but diversity may turn into something negative if we don't manage it.

Profile picture for user elifkglx

Submitted by elifkglx on Thu, 22/06/2023 - 10:47


I think the diversity in my place is just peoples different personalities.

Submitted by Felipe1208 on Fri, 19/05/2023 - 03:08


It seems to me that when you work in a team that is quite diverse, it could bring a lot of positive things. On the one hand, when you have a diverse group, you could approach and face problems from different points of view, and also when it comes to creating new ideas, these could be the union of different perspectives. Keep in mind that the success of a diverse group will also depend on the type of leader who manages and guides the group in a good way.

Submitted by okannnn26 on Sun, 23/04/2023 - 14:16


I am a lawyer in my country. I like diversity and my I am curious different culture, religions, backround... So I want to trip abroad. I did to apply greendcard. I hope I win and got to the abroad. I also want to master in USA. My english level is less than others I suppouse but I really try to improvement my English level. I am work five days in a week so I have just a little bit free time.

Submitted by Sliang on Fri, 24/03/2023 - 00:21


I believe that my workplace is quite diverse, with individuals from different countries and cultures. However, I think that compared to a university, it may not be as inclusive. In my experience, universities tend to be the most diverse and inclusive environments. Generally, universities show true respect from their hearts, not just on the surface. True inclusion emphasizes the inclusion of all different types of people in an organization, community, or society and makes everyone feel valued and recognized. It emphasizes eliminating discrimination and exclusion and creating a safe environment. It's important to note that diversity and inclusion are fundamentally different. While many places may show diversity on the surface, such as in the workplace, schools, and communities, not everyone truly understands and accepts inclusion. People may accept diversity but not necessarily inclusion. As society continues to progress, I hope that more people will truly understand and embrace inclusion, recognizing its benefits and contributing to its growth.

In terms of benefits to the team, diversity can bring a wide range of perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to more creative and innovative solutions. It also allows for a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures, which can enhance communication and teamwork. Ultimately, a diverse and inclusive team can lead to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success.