Episode 01

Writing home episode 01

Welcome to our audio fiction series, Writing home! In this first episode Milton meets his new neighbour Mei. What do you think he asks her?

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Milton: Hi, Mum. I'm sorry I haven't written for a while, but your baby boy is still alive so you can stop worrying. It's all OK here. Benedita and Paulo are away, so I'm alone in the flat. The problem is now I have to remember my keys when I go out. I got home yesterday, no keys, so I'm standing there in the hall like an idiot when ...

Mei: Hello.

Milton: Hello.

Mei: Who are you? Do you live here?

Milton: Um, yes, I am, I do, I mean, yes, I live in this flat here, with Benedita and Paulo. Are you our new neighbour?

Mei: I live in this flat here – number 4A.

Milton: My name is Milton. And you're ...?

Mei: Mei.

Milton: Mei. OK, nice to meet you, Mei.

Mei: Nice to meet you.

Mei: Goodbye then.

Milton: Bye.

Mei: Are you not going into your flat?

Milton: Ah, well, that's a bit of a problem. I haven't got the key.

Mei: You haven't got the key? Are you sure you live there?

Milton: Of course I live here – I told you – but I left my keys in the kitchen this morning.

Mei: So what are you going to do?

Milton: I don't know. I used to leave a key with my old friend Carolina on the ground floor, but she's gone away.

Mei: Hmm. 

Milton: Um, you know you've got a small balcony outside your kitchen?

Mei: Yes ...

Milton: Well, so have we.

Mei: Yes ...

Milton: Well, I could climb from your balcony over to our balcony and get in through the kitchen window.

Mei: I am not ... I don't ...

Milton: I'll be careful. Don't worry.

Mei: But I don't know you! How do I know you're not a criminal?

Milton: You mean a burglar? No! I told you – my name is Milton da Silva. I studied here in the UK. I can show you some ... Ha! My old student card. Here.

Mei: OK, so you are Milton da Silva. Newcastle University, School of Theatre Studies. You could be a burglar now.

Milton: Really? Look, you can hold my bag with all my money and everything.

Mei: OK, come in. Go straight to the kitchen. That way.


Milton: There you are! Job done!

Mei: OK.

Milton: So, thanks for your help – really.

Mei: That's OK.

Milton: Hey, Mei.

Mei: Yes?

Milton: Well – if we're neighbours now ... I'm Milton, I'm from Brazil, I'm an actor. What about you?

Mei: My name is Mei and I'm from China.

Milton: And are you studying here?

Mei: No, I'm working. I have a job here. In IT.

Milton: Do you like it?

Mei: I don't know. I haven't started yet. I only left China last week.

Milton: Well – good luck. I'm sure it'll all go well.

Mei: I hope so.

Milton: OK. Bye. Thanks again.

Mei: Bye.

Milton: So, we've got a new neighbour from China who thinks I might be a burglar, but she seems nice and I think she quite liked me. And now I want to hear all your news. How's life in Florida? Give my love to Henry. And tell Alfredo to text me sometime. Lots of love, Milton.


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Profile picture for user lamaxal

Submitted by lamaxal on Fri, 13/09/2024 - 19:59


good history, i do like


Submitted by Chel Zin on Thu, 14/03/2024 - 13:29


Mostly,I don't keep in touch with my neighbours but I reckon they might be friendly.

Submitted by sescom82 on Fri, 05/01/2024 - 03:41


How well do you know your neighbours?

Oh, i don't know how my neighbors and I don't want to be friends for them. because I'm introvert. I agree only polite mini conversation.

Profile picture for user araadahmadian

Submitted by araadahmadian on Wed, 18/10/2023 - 00:03


Hi there. I've just listened to the first episode because of your advice. I'm really grateful for it. Nevetheless, I wish it was much longer.

Hello araadahmadian,

I'm glad to hear that you've given it a try, and I understand what you mean. Once you've listened to Writing home, you might want to try Big City Small World or Word on the Street. They are different  from the Podcasts, but both have lots of episodes and there is a language focus in each episode as well.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by lNjoudl on Sat, 02/09/2023 - 21:03


Regarding my neighbours, we were close before but when I transferred to another house I didn't know about them anything unfortunately..

Submitted by A.kh on Fri, 28/07/2023 - 18:30


I know 3 or 4 of our neighbors well. One of them is a professor at AveCina University who lives with his wife. I know her husband very well, he works as a chief in emergency medicine. They have 2 daughters, they are dentists and one of the daughters immigrated to Canada last year. Neighbourhood, we are not so close, we are residents of 6 floor in the apartment and we have a whatsapp group to share apartment problems.but in my opinion as the neibors are so nearer than any of our relatives every time its so better to be be close to them .it can help us improve the life style quality .
with best wishes for the B.Council Group

Submitted by Nusly Martinez on Wed, 26/04/2023 - 20:51


Hello! I´m new in this neighbordhood and I started to visit and introduce myself to my neightbors. In my opinion people by nature is good if your know a lot about their families, hobbies, stories, tradition, problems or situation they have like community it is ease to get along with them...especially, because they are the closer people around us...They gave with love all they have...it´s amazing. On the other hand, they are people with whom you have to learn how to deal with them. I loved the podcast and the exercices, I feel that I´m making a big progress in my English Skills. thank you a lot.

Profile picture for user FITIA Nekena

Submitted by FITIA Nekena on Fri, 17/03/2023 - 19:02


My neighbors and i used to be close but since i went to High school we lost touch and we didn t chat so now we aren t really close like before.

Submitted by Gilpires on Mon, 20/02/2023 - 18:23


I don't know about my neighbours almost nothing. I came to this place only 6 months ago. I really don't stay in my house many hours, so it's dificult knows my neighbours