We stand with refugees

Becoming a refugee is something that could happen to any of us. In this video, famous people from around the world talk about the importance of helping people who are escaping difficult situations.

Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises. You can also read the transcript.



Every day …

Every day …

war forces thousands of innocent families …

to leave their homes.

Families like yours …

families like mine.

To escape the violence, …

they leave everything behind …

everything behind …


Everything except their hopes and dreams.

We believe all refugees …

deserve the right to protection …

and to live in safety.

Together, …

we need to send a clear message to governments.

We must act with solidarity …

and take shared responsibility.

We stand together with refugees.

We stand together with refugees.

Please stand with us.

Please stand with us.

Please sign the petition today.

Please sign the petition today.

We stand together with refugees.

Please stand with us.

© UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

Task 1

Task 2


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Average: 4 (21 votes)
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Submitted by Khaled v on Thu, 28/06/2018 - 11:33

It is a nice Video shows the bright side of our humanity.
Profile picture for user Kostya B

Submitted by Kostya B on Wed, 13/06/2018 - 20:12

For refugees in the new countries at first we do not have to reject but respect them because in a difficult situation can be every person.

Submitted by Dklin on Sat, 09/06/2018 - 11:51

We stand together with Refugees!

Submitted by Dklin on Sat, 09/06/2018 - 11:41

As far as possible l help them with money. War is very bad.

Submitted by Rabouh on Fri, 08/06/2018 - 02:44

we stand together with Refugees