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In our educational institution all regular tasks divides according to job descriptions. In exception cases the director selects performers and he's never wrong.
I don't have a real project team but I have 3 colleagues and we usually divide the tasks considering the time and skills we have
Hello plz help
Why number 4 in task 2 false ?
Hi Abdull3h_28,
Ed's task is to "book catering". That means he will organise another person or company to provide the food. He won't cook the food himself.
LearnEnglish team
beacaus he is not the chef , he will reserve the catering (restaurant service ). they will cooking for the event .
How are tasks usually divided in your project teams?
In my project team, I usually break the long task into small chunks and then make a proper schedule with the help of software like Trello. Everyone updates this software after completing the assigned task. Managing the task with the team is a good approach as it improves the management skills and the work throughput.
In my life in that kind of projects was no structure of tasks and plans, so every member does what he could. Usually one did a lot and another nothing, so such projects are always a mess.
I didn't organize any events for a long time, but when I did I was responsible for alcohol drinks:)
When I was working ; I actually didn't share the tasks with my team. I was doing everything, but now I share all my home duties with my hasbund
and kids.