What's the difference between your thumbs and your toes? Do these exercises to find out and to learn vocabulary for more body parts. Exercise Task 1 Exercise Task 2 Exercise Task 3 Exercise Task 4 Exercise Task 5 Exercise Discussion Try another vocabulary lesson Language level B1 Intermediate Topics character and appearance Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5 Average: 4.6 (23 votes) Rate When I was a child I injured my fingernails Log in or register to post comments In the childhood I only broke my arm or rather I had a crack in my bone. Then for about month I walked with a cast. Log in or register to post comments Yes, when i was child, I have broken my ankle Log in or register to post comments Yes I have injured my wrist when I was playing football, many years ago. Log in or register to post comments Yes, of course, like everyone in their life.I broke the elbow, the wrist, one arm, some toes and other parts, but I never broke forehead and eyebrows! Log in or register to post comments I broke my knee today, when I was running around the City. Log in or register to post comments I never injury my bory while the "face"... always. Log in or register to post comments Fortunately, I never injuried any part of my body, so far. Log in or register to post comments I hope you never get hurt. Log in or register to post comments Yes, I have when I was chilling I injured my wrist at home and my grandmother had to go to hospita . Fourthermore , I needed to cut my toenail it is injured. Log in or register to post comments Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page next Last page last
In the childhood I only broke my arm or rather I had a crack in my bone. Then for about month I walked with a cast. Log in or register to post comments
Yes I have injured my wrist when I was playing football, many years ago. Log in or register to post comments
Yes, of course, like everyone in their life.I broke the elbow, the wrist, one arm, some toes and other parts, but I never broke forehead and eyebrows! Log in or register to post comments
Yes, I have when I was chilling I injured my wrist at home and my grandmother had to go to hospita . Fourthermore , I needed to cut my toenail it is injured. Log in or register to post comments
When I was a child I injured my fingernails
In the childhood I only broke my arm or rather I had a crack in my bone. Then for about month I walked with a cast.
Yes, of course, like everyone in their life.
I broke the elbow, the wrist, one arm, some toes and other parts, but I never broke forehead and eyebrows!
I broke my knee today, when I was running around the City.
I never injury my bory while the "face"... always.
Fortunately, I never injuried any part of my body, so far.
I hope you never get hurt.
Yes, I have when I was chilling I injured my wrist at home and my grandmother had to go to hospita . Fourthermore , I needed to cut my toenail it is injured.